• 热点分析加权平均值计算

    Calculation of weighted averages for hot-spot analysis.


  • 期望整体估计E加权平均值

    The expected overall value of the estimate (E) is the weighted average


  • 秒表计量5加权平均值

    With a stopwatch measurement, take 5 times the weighted average value.


  • 资本加权平均值能使所有投资者满意资本回报率

    WACC Weighted average cost of capital: The rate of return that must be earned to satisfy all investor expectations.


  • 如此设置的脉冲宽度间距使加权平均值恰好正弦波

    The pulse widths and spacings are arranged so that their weighted average produces a sine wave.


  • 误差带宽取构成边界线的各线段误差熵的加权平均值

    The band width of error entropy donut can be determined by weighted average error entropy of all line segments.


  • 一化加权平均值算法灵活性可靠性得到广泛应用

    The normalized weighted average algorithm will surely find a wide application due to its flexibility and reliability.


  • 3方差专业定义随机变量二次中心期望值平方加权平均值

    The technical definition of variance is the random variable's second central moment, the weighted average of the square of the differences from the expected value.


  • 人民币价值参照篮子货币本质上是一个加权平均值

    He said instead that the value of the renminbi would be set "with reference" to a basket of other currencies - essentially a weighted average.


  • 在这里期望效用定义为所有可能结果所带来效用乘以发生概率的加权平均值

    Expected utility is defined here as the average, weighted by the probabilities of occurrence, of the utilities attached to all possible consequences.


  • 实际有效汇率指剔除通货膨胀影响一国货币篮子其他主要货币加权平均值

    The real effective exchange rate is the weighted average of a country's currency relative to a basket of other major currencies adjusted for the effects of inflation.


  • 如果区域形状特殊,或者密度均匀,也就是某些部分比较重,需要求加权平均值

    But if the region has a strange shape or if a density is not homogeneous, if parts of it are heavier then you will get whatever the weighted average will be.


  • 本文提出加权平均值,求定山区GPS高程异常提出两种方法

    This paper presents the determination of the elevation anomaly of GPS point in mountainous area, using the method of weighted average values. Also, it gives two methods to determine the weights.


  • 一个项目经理通过计算项目组成员提供的活动历时估算加权平均值来得到活动历时

    A project manager obtains weighted average duration estimates from the team to aciculate activity duration.


  • 特别,此参数的构成是以平方英尺计单品,托盘地面存储开平方根加权平均值

    Specifically, the index constructed was a weighted average of the square root of the broken-case, pallet are and floor storage square footage estimations.


  • 采用网格索引来组织地形数据,利用反距离高程加权平均值算法提取TIN地形特征

    Terrain data is organized by grid, the article adopts height weighted average algorithm of elevation based on grid network, to extract feature point of TIN terrain.


  • 通过我国关税率算术平均值加权平均值的比较,对关税政策合理性进行了测度衡量

    This paper studies the tariff of arithmetic mean and weighted mean of China tariff rate, surveys and measures the rationality about tariff policy.


  • 声波层介质中传播时波速加权平均值作为构筑物的平均声波波速,计算出结构频率

    It treats the weighted average sound velocity in different mediums as the average sound velocity in the structure, thus the natural frequency of the structure is calculated.


  • 特别提款权利率继续特别提款权篮子货币货币市场短期金融工具利率的加权平均值确定。

    The SDR interest rate will continue to be determined as a weighted average of the interest rates on short-term financial instruments in the markets of the currencies in the SDR basket.


  • 本文把有限个数的调和、几何、算术加权平均值不等式推广到无穷多个数的形式和广义积分的形式。

    In this paper, we prove the infinite weighted mean inequalities. Furthermore, some results are established in infinite integral case.


  • 预计基于发生概率加权平均值。预计值对于单一事件时可以给予管理决策一个很好的导向。

    An expected value (or ev) is a weighted average value, based on probabilities. The expected value for a single event can offer a helpful guide for management decisions.


  • 假定岩石体积下限值线性加权平均值的条件下,提出质岩石油气层声波速度校正

    And a correction method for acoustic logs from shaly sand is also proposed assuming that the bulk modulus of the rock is the linear weighted averages of its upper and lower limits.


  • 加权平均值基于粒岩地体资料估算地壳平均组成偏基性,揭示了二者可能成因差异

    The weighed average composition of xenoliths shows a more mafic composition of the lower crust than that estimated from granulite data, which may imply the difference in the genesis.


  • 通过方法数据处理结果比较理论分析,得到了加权平均值实验数据处理的最佳方法。

    Finally, it concluded that the weighted average method was the best method to the experiment about data processing through comparing and analyzing the data processing results by that different method.


  • 数据排名形式出现,所用数字2004、20052006年调查结果就业成功率加权平均值

    The data is presented as a rank. The figure behind the rank is a weighted average of the placement success results from MBA 2004,2005 and 2006.


  • 测量一天中一只股票发生交易大部分交易价格种方法,计算每一笔交易价格加权平均值后得出的结果。

    A measure of the price at which the majority of a given day's trading in a given security took place. Calculated by taking the weighted average of the prices of each trade.


  • 在每个节点,计算每个孩子节点按访问次数加权平均值因为访问次数取决于估值估值可信度两者的差异

    Then the value is a smoothed estimation of max, as the frequency of visits depends on the difference between the estimated values and the confidence of this estimates.


  • 国际货币基金组织1969年创建特别提款权现在基于美元、欧元日元英镑加权平均值,特别提款权本来用于储备货币从来都没有开始过。

    Created by the IMF in 1969, and now based on the weighted average of the dollar, euro, yen and pound, the SDR was designed as a reserve currency but never took off.


  • 国际货币基金组织1969年创建特别提款权现在基于美元、欧元日元英镑加权平均值,特别提款权本来用于储备货币从来都没有开始过。

    Created by the IMF in 1969, and now based on the weighted average of the dollar, euro, yen and pound, the SDR was designed as a reserve currency but never took off.


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