• 菲莉丝助手我们提供茶点

    Phyllis and her helpers provided us with refreshment.


  • 亲密助手老朋友背叛深深地伤害了。

    He was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides and old friends.


  • 他因助手入一起金融丑闻案而被迫辞职

    He was obliged to resign when one of his own aides was implicated in a financial scandal.


  • 助手噘起了嘴。

    The assistant pursed her lips.


  • 助手给排放装置加了润滑油调节直到运转良好

    A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly.


  • 助手已经开始那位参议员失败描述成“几乎大获全胜”。

    An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as 'almost as good as an outright win'.


  • 到时不在上班看到助手瑞德。

    I won't be working then, so you'll see my assistant, Mairead.


  • 舍伦贝格没有告诉助手自己到底证明什么

    Schellenberg didn't tell his assistants what exactly he was trying to prove.


  • 助手后面,拎着油漆桶一个油锅

    His assistant followed him, carrying a paint pail and a pan.


  • 1918年,艾琳成为母亲居里研究所一名助手

    In 1918, Irene became her mother's assistant at the Curie Institute.


  • 某些情况下写了一些感人段落其中包括助手描述

    In some instances she wrote moving passages that included her helpers in descriptions.


  • 丹尼出来四周去看看,同时德里克助手门锁。

    Danny climbed out and looked around, while I went to unlock the door for Derek and his assistant.


  • 弗雷德里克成了助手之一艾琳放射性工作需要掌握技能

    Frederic became one of her assistants and Irene taught him the techniques required to work with radioactivity.


  • 也许如果我们继续改进信息处理机器,我们很快拥有有用理性助手

    Perhaps, if we continue to improve information-processing machines, we'll soon have helpful rational assistants.


  • 一位高级研究员想你知道约翰·富兰克林助手每天现场

    A senior researcher, I think you know John Franklin, my assistant, is on site every day.


  • 学习人工智能学生们正在虚拟助手互动无法分辨出真人区别

    The students, who were studying artificial intelligence, were interacting with the virtual assistant and couldn't tell it apart from a real human being.


  • 事实上作为一个助手请注意自动包括什么这个东西什么?

    In fact, as a little helper, notice what it's sort of automatically including for me: what's this thing?


  • 珀金科学天赋很快引起了霍夫曼注意年后成为了霍夫曼年轻的助手

    Perkin's scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann's attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann's youngest assistant.


  • 过去年里笔记本电脑一直忠实助手协助完成了大部分作业论文

    For the last two years, the laptop has served as my faithful aid and helped me finish most of my assignments and my thesis.


  • 为了演示,佩一个大学生助手贾斯廷指导格里芬亚历克斯跳到高处工作架上去。

    To demonstrate, Justin, one of Pepperberg's undergraduate assistants, instructs Griffin and Alex to hop up on the work perch.


  • 许多教师地位影响家长他们图书馆女士只是称为“助手”时得到总结。

    The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when parents referred to them as "the library lady" or just "the helper”.


  • 起来需要助手显然可能的,如果一个在线系统帮助学生他们日程安排呢?

    It sounds like you could do with an assistant but that's obviously not possible, so what about having an online system that students can use to do their scheduling?


  • 阿拉斯泰尔”,一个魔术师助手仍然戴着副眼镜(依稀可见一丝桀骜不驯),穿着整洁灰色西装

    He would be "Alastair", a conjuror's assistant, still with the spectacles (a solitary dash of unruliness) but in a neat grey suit.


  • 珍·玛丽·肖韦助手洞穴墙上发现壁画,拥有超过三百种动物生动形象他们之前从未看到过的。

    The vivid images of more than 300 animals that Jean-Marie Chauvet and his assistants found on the cave walls were like none that they had seen before.


  • 王子幽默——助手透露:“幽默感总有上麻烦。”不过查尔斯·温莎的演讲确实令人振奋

    The Prince was being humorous—"My sense of humor will get me into trouble one day," he has confided to aidesbut listening to Charles Windsor can indeed prove stimulating.


  • 介绍性练习游戏中的助手例如peekaboo”,可将得分最高的解决方案的解决方案进行比较帮助新手快速入门。

    Introductory exercises and in-game aides like "peekaboo", which compares top-scoring solutions with yours, help novices get up to speed.


  • 例如亚马逊流域,能否进入整个地区取决于当地船员其他助手是否愿意进入实力相对强大的美洲印第安群体居住地区

    In the Aamazon, for example, access to entire regions would depend on the willingness of local crew members and other assistants to enter areas inhabited by relatively powerful Amerindian groups.


  • AppleHomePodSiri谷歌 Home 有助手即将推出的Galaxy Home设备配备Bixby

    Apple Home Pod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby.


  • 因此1836年出版的一本关于南美的书中,威廉·史密斯这样抱怨他的助手经常遗弃”他行为:“没有他们不可能继续前进。”

    In an account of his journey across South America, published in 1836, William Smyth thus complained of frequent "desertion" by his helpers: "Without them it was impossible to get on".


  • 自己长期助手今天辞职震惊

    He's stunned by today's resignation of his longtime ally.


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