• 们希望所有的青少年都能像牛一样努力做事

    We hope that all the teenagers can work just as hard as the ox does.


  • 待人努力做事;永久自信;!

    Being; agreeable, work; harder; and; being; confident; is; the; declaration; of; our; enterprises;.


  • 世界不会嘉奖完美主义者,却会回报那些努力做事的人。

    Thee real world doesn't reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done.


  • 她们真的努力做事是不是巴尼-是的讨厌看着她们如此努力

    They sure work hard, don't they, Barney? -yeah. I hate to see them work so hard.


  • 一般来说觉得如果努力做事而且充分利用时间的话,工作能按时完成

    Generally I feel that the work can be completed on time if we work sincerely and utilize the work hours.


  • 比如如果猴子完成任务,只要任务完成就给回报,猴子很快就明白了只要努力做事回报。

    For example, if you teach a monkey to do a task and consistently reward it every time the task is done, the monkey quickly learns to associate a specific outcome with the efforts.


  • 努力做事,却又觉得提不起精神。身体状况一般,虽然什么事情,时常觉得疲累

    On the one hand, you want to work hard, but your spirits are low and you are often tired, even when you don't do any particularly hard work.


  • 不仅仅努力做事,有一些短途旅游、交谈,你努力赚钱好像一样要努力用掉。

    Not only are you running errands, taking short trips, and talking to everyone, you're working hard to earn money and almost just as hard to spend it.


  • 由于努力做事、长时间艰辛不懈地努力-像场马拉松东跑西颠一天或者因为在家里清洁、照顾孩子感到很累。

    You get TIRED from exertion, from difficult or long-sustained effortrunning a marathon, doing errands all day, managing your home and your kids' lives.


  • 然而必须知道一个很简单的道理:一个怎么努力做事威胁恫吓他人得到的成绩都远不及你他人携手合作的成果。

    The simple truth is, however, that you'll always achieve more by collaborating with others than you'll ever achieve by being hard-others than you'll ever achieve by being hard-driving or intimidating.


  • 如果海外商人东西我们他们一切努力英语尊重我们传统做事方式

    If overseas business people are selling to us, then they will make every effort to speak English and to respect our traditions and methods.


  • 使成功的是做事的动机,导向改正错误的能力以及工作努力程度。

    What makes people successful are their motivation, drive and ability to learn from mistakes, and how hard they work.


  • 哲学家彼得说过效率正确方法努力事情都整合起来。

    The philosopher Peter Drucker once said that efficiency is doing things the right way while effectiveness is to make things relevant.


  • 如果不能保证做事有效性,那么追求效率毫无意义,你必须向着目标努力

    On effectiveness. It's not worth being efficient if you're not doing something effective, meaning that you must work toward your goal.


  • 成功包括具备情的天分知道天分还不够,还需要努力奋斗,需要有一定目标

    What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.


  • 坚信道理只要认真地做事工夫不会白费那些当时看似无用功努力其实都是积累肯定回报

    She believes that a truth: as long as the earnest in work, time will be wasted, who was seemingly futile efforts, are in fact a kind of accumulation, there will certainly be a return.


  • 事情没有那样结束而且这次不用明朗的情况下做事,你只要努力一点就能解决掉了

    The reverse link suggests things are not as done and dusted as you might like and that you are required in no uncertain terms to put a bit more effort into working things out.


  • 今晚听到深刻的一句话,我将会以后做事做人的座右铭指引着不断前进,去努力成就一番属于我的辉煌

    This is what I heard tonight, the most profound words, I think this will be my motto in life after work, guidelines me going and work hard to achieve something big part of my glory.


  • 做事热心承担别人觉得厌烦的工作然后慢慢努力直到完成为止。

    I approach things very enthusiastically, and I can take on jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done.


  • 他们努力工作寻求更好更快更廉价更简便方法做事制造东西

    They were all working hard to find better, faster, cheaper, easier ways of doing and making things.


  • 这些机构最近正在围绕预算问题而不断扯皮,并且努力证明存在的正当性,因此他们有时候“做事粗鲁”。

    These organizations are often fighting over budgets and attempting to justify their existence, thus they sometimes act muscularly.


  • 组织中提倡“最糟糕业绩不能低于什麽标准”的文化,“我们了”常常人们做事的标准,但很少有人努力把事情的更好。

    There is a culture of 'acceptable under-performance' - where 'that's good enough' is the norm, with too little effort made to do things as well as they can be done.


  • 世界一种美丽的声音但是失去自己的声音,听不见口不能通过努力用双手可以做事创造自己奇迹

    The world has a beautiful voice, but I lost my voice, I can not hear words, through the efforts of the hands can do things to create their own miracle.


  • 通过做事准时努力工作并且产生良好结果,把自己树立一个好榜样,这样同事认可尊重你在工作上付出努力

    Set a good example by being on time, working hard, and producing results. Your coworkers will recognize and respect the effort you put into your job.


  • 早期我们发现人们总是拼命更加努力不是更加聪明的去做事

    Early on we discovered people get locked into a rut of trying harder without trying smarter.


  • 因为只要做出努力可以收获两倍效果做事时候最喜欢就是一举两得、一举多得。

    Because as long as the efforts to make a point can be harvested twice the effect of doing things is to kill two birds with time favorite, too.


  • 因为只要做出努力可以收获两倍效果做事时候最喜欢就是一举两得、一举多得。

    Because as long as the efforts to make a point can be harvested twice the effect of doing things is to kill two birds with time favorite, too.


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