Grace Mbakwa, her husband and eight children once lived hand-to-mouth in Cameroon.
Divided and sub-divided again and again, families scrape a living on pocket-handkerchief-sized holdings.
Since their father died, the family has been keeping food on the table with the mother's earnings.
I have a spare-time job in the evenings and do overtime most weekends, which all helps to keep the wolf from the door.
He's a famous brain surgeon and me, I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on.
People who scratch out a living in poor African nations simply cannot afford to lose their chickens.
农奴成年累月地辛勤劳动,却连温饱也得不到 保障,经常要靠借高利贷勉强糊口。
The serfs engaged in hard labor year in and year out and yet had no guaranteed food or clothing. Often they had to rely on money borrowed at usury to keep body and soul together.
Even in good times, the Post lost millions of dollars a year and the Daily News struggled to turn a modest profit.
Mrs Hiyale lives hand to mouth, subsisting in a slum on 100 rupees a day with the help of a local charity.
I hadn't painted a picture in 15 years, because we barely 15 scratched out a living on the farm in Missouri, and there hadn't been money for the tubes of paint, and canvas and frames.
Despite a robust social safety net - including free education and health care - there are poor Saudis, and many in the middle class barely make ends meet.
One was a struggling writer adapting a Hemingway story for television; the other was that movie's star, still smarting from the sword-and-sandal bomb the Silver Chalice.
Cuba is a well-known anomaly: so poor that it is barely able to feed its people, yet able to equal or beat the United States in two important health indicators - life expectancy and child mortality.
Cuba is a well-known anomaly: so poor that it is barely able to feed its people, yet able to equal or beat the United States in two important health indicators - life expectancy and child mortality.