• 正在另一台电脑勤奋工作默有些冷漠了我们一眼。

    Htoo Moo, working diligently at the next computer, glanced over as nonchalantly as possible.


  • 米高一名具备天资干劲十足勤奋工作艺人

    Michael was an extremely talented, high-energy, hard working entertainer.


  • 长大后,发现才能成功真的只是勤奋工作产物

    But as I've grown up I've learned that talent and success are really just the product of hard work.


  • 也就意味着在法国总是懒惰傲慢的意识占着勤奋工作上风

    This means that the lazy, insolent functionnaire mentality prevails rather than a hard-working energetic one.


  • 内部提升一个好的迹象留人有益,并且可以让员工看到忠诚勤奋工作奖赏

    Promoting from within is a good sign. It helps retain people and they can see a reward for loyalty and hard work.


  • 受雇于帮助他们组建一个勤奋工作开发团队以便尽快建立他们在线视频系统

    I was hired to help them build a team of hard-working developers that could quickly build their online video presence.


  • 现在有了一个稳定版本程序代码已经经受住许多勤奋工作密切注视

    You now have a stable version and your program code has withstood the close gaze of many hard working people.


  • 勤奋工作的。我负责很多事情。(我是一个勤奋工作的。我负责很多事情。)

    I'm a hard-working cat. I'm in charge of many things. (I'm a hard-working man. I'm in charge of many things.)


  • 摆脱勤奋工作序列或者正确击落纯粹偶然的机会合适时间正确的地方问题

    Did it emerge from a diligently worked sequence, or was the right shot down to pure serendipity a matter of being in the right place at the right time?


  • 所有一切都会态度中表现出来因此这会面试知道一个负责任勤奋工作的

    All of this will also be reflected in your attitude, so that it tells the interviewer that you are a responsible and hardworking person.


  • 加德主要优势勤奋工作专业精神技术细节的孜孜以求,以及以德服人能力不是恃强凌弱

    Ms Lagarde's main strengths are a mix of hard-working professionalism, an appetite for technical detail, and an ability to get her way with charm rather than bullying.


  • 二次大战之后重建日本城市规划所依据的仍传统勤奋工作道德观念没有娱乐活动留下空间

    Designing cities according to the traditional concept that hard work is a moral duty, those who rebuilt Japan after World War II left almost no room for recreation.


  • 如果勤奋工作的话,也许已经过上了如同苔米一样只有少量债务轻松生活,我只是自己借口罢了。

    If I worked harder, I probably could be where Tammy is now in terms of debt reduction and simple living. I have been giving myself excuses.


  • 如果我们致富了,成功了,也许是因为我们勤奋工作的结果,或者是我们做出使得我们很多明智决定

    If we become rich and successful, it's probably because we worked very hard or made wise decisions that allowed us to earn lots of money.


  • 即使圣保罗一样平常勤奋工作城市超市从早上七点营业交通拥挤已经司空见惯,照样因为巴西足球队出赛停顿下来。

    Even a normally hard-working city like São Paulo, where supermarkets open at 7.00am and heavy traffic is a way of life, came to a standstill for Brazil’s matches.


  • 不管怎样整天坐在办公桌前,装出非常认真模样因为希望那些有工作而且勤奋工作的声望市民建立彼此平等的关系。

    At any rate he sat at his desk all day, giving every appearance of industry, for he wished to be on equal terms with his respectable fellow townsmen who worked and worked hard.


  • 而言之,我们必须勤奋工作为了下一代世界变成更美好地方

    In short, we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations.


  • 我们应该她们机会,让她们勤奋工作成就其他所有一起作出贡献。

    Let's give them the opportunities to bring along all the rest of us with their hard work and their success.


  • 第一没有任何成就可以时间内达到的,而是需要持续勤奋工作努力

    Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts.


  • 每个人都充满喜悦他们把点心举空中他们的勤奋工作通过修复自然得到补偿。

    Everyone rejoiced and raised their refreshments into the air to toast that their hard work would be redeemed with nature being restored.


  • 大使希望中国职员秘书长领导勤奋工作实现国际海事组织目标贡献

    Ambassador Liu hoped that the Chinese employees may, under the leadership of the Secretary-General, work hard and make more contributions with a view to realize the IMO's objectives.


  • 建立时间并且努力工作企业文化鼓励只需要勤奋工作解决问题信念,我们不需要探索另一不同的方式来解决问题,只需沿用原来的方式勤奋工作就够了。

    Establish a culture of long hours and hard work. Encourage the belief that hard work alone will solve the problem.


  • 这个规则要求基金购买高等级证券并且是根据自己勤奋工作稽查证券的质量不仅仅依赖信用等级

    The rules require funds to buy high-quality securities - and to ascertain that quality through their own due diligence, rather than relying only on credit ratings.


  • 如果时光倒流,能为本科时期我,提建议的话,我会说,为自己作出的决定勤奋工作不是自己天赋感到骄傲

    If i would go back in time and give myself one piece of advice as undergradute, it would be take pride in your decisions and hardwork, but not in your gifts.


  • 扰乱勤勉精力充沛尼尔他使他惊奇的,与其说这里没有犯罪,倒不如说是这里缺乏雄心壮志勤奋工作

    But what must have surprised and disturbed the industrious and energetic Fournier, even more than the absence of crime, was the absence of ambition and hard work.


  • 天赋欢呼享受它们带来的乐趣,自己作出的决定勤奋工作,而感到自豪

    Celebrate your gifts, enjoy them, but don 't take pride in them, take pride in your decision and hardwork.


  • 安排一个离点儿座位,既勤奋工作,又能觉得自己表彰努力——而且还听不到他嘀咕的声音

    Make him sit somewhere distant where he can work diligently and where you can feel grateful for his efforts - without hearing the sound of his voice.


  • 感觉好极了,我正在勤奋工作享受着壮丽风景千载难逢奇遇开始

    I am feeling great, working hard, & enjoying the magificent views, the adventure of a lifetime has begun!


  • 乡村防治疟疾志愿工作勤奋工作预防耐药性疟疾柬埔寨非洲蔓延关键面临极大挑战

    The dedicated work of volunteer village malaria workers is essential to prevent resistant malaria spreading from Cambodia to Africa, but the challenges are great.


  • 乡村防治疟疾志愿工作勤奋工作预防耐药性疟疾柬埔寨非洲蔓延关键面临极大挑战

    The dedicated work of volunteer village malaria workers is essential to prevent resistant malaria spreading from Cambodia to Africa, but the challenges are great.


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