• 所以同胞们,是,我们国家要求我们不能好逸恶劳,只能过刻苦勤奋生活

    I preach to you, then, my countrymen, that our country calls not for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavor.


  • 这里人们工作非常勤奋公司鼓励员工学会放松、学会享受工作之外人生,并保持工作生活健康平衡状态

    People work extremely hard here, [but] the company also promotes being able to relax and enjoy your life outside of work, to keep a healthy balance.


  • 如果勤奋工作的话,也许已经过上了如同苔米一样只有少量债务轻松生活,我只是自己借口罢了。

    If I worked harder, I probably could be where Tammy is now in terms of debt reduction and simple living. I have been giving myself excuses.


  • 在准备这次演讲时,不想大谈那些贪图安逸人生哲学,而是你们谈一下勤奋生活道理——过艰苦奋斗生活,过忙碌竞争生活

    I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife;


  • 此外由于没有生活提供的工作那些雄心勃勃勤奋的员工自然主动追求卓越。

    Furthermore, since no jobs are provided for life, employees who are ambitious and hard-working will naturally be motivated to achieve excellence.


  • 除了良好健康我们必须勤奋工作只要我们努力工作,我们不仅可以过上好生活而且还可以丰富思想

    Apart from good health, we mustbe diligent at work. As long as we work hard, we cannot just make a goodliving, but enrich our minds.


  • 除了良好健康我们必须勤奋工作只要我们努力工作,我们不仅可以过上好生活而且还可以丰富思想

    Apart from good health, we must be diligent at work. As long as we work hard, we cannot just make a good living, but enrich our minds.


  • 有没有想过为什么这么好的姑娘那个可怕的家伙生活在一起为什么那个诚实勤奋工作开始欺骗说谎

    Ever wonder why that great girl settles for that terrible guy or why that honest hard working man starts to cheat and lie at work?


  • 如果选后者,开始生活会是艰难的,但是的努力帮助下,两个人也许能够建立幸福家庭,她也因此得到一个真诚勤奋工作、能带给她幸福老公

    In the other, the start will be hard, but she is likely to end up with a happy home she has helped to build, an earnest, hardworking husband who has "arrived"—and happiness.


  • 勤奋学习奋力拼搏,我们初中生活不变主题

    Diligently studying and struggling to fight is the unchanged topic in our junior middle school lives.


  • 一定是个勤奋用功、热爱生活年轻人,不断重新塑造自己

    He must a diligent young man to be keen on life and interested in renewing himself.


  • 又是星期的空白了,生活无限充实中努力工作勤奋学习嘿嘿现在记录以下精彩的周末.。

    I haven't written again , but my life is enriched. Besides hardworking and diligent about my study, I have a woundful weekends. Now I record it.


  • 世界成功失败我们生活经验告诉我们大多数情况下勤奋勇气往往带来成功。

    In this world we have success as well as failures. Our daily experience show that in most cases industry and bravery do result in success.


  • 学校我们成长乐园美丽的学校,我们勤奋学习,快乐生活

    School is the paradise for our grouth. We study hard and live happily in our beautiful school.


  • 生活事业带来成功的是勤奋而不是运气

    It's diligence, not good luck that can bring you success in your life and career.


  • 也许更加勤奋工作学会更多技能从而改变生活也包括改变你家庭命运唯一可行的法子。

    Perhaps working more industriously and learning more skill is the unique way to improve your owe life, including the fate of your family.


  • 生活那个年代顺应着诗歌宿命海子,也摈弃了功利勤奋写作创造着诗歌奇迹

    Haizi who lived in the era and went along the destiny of poetry had created marvel of poetry among diligent composition discarding fame and gain.


  • 就意味着要设定目标融入校园社区生活勤奋努力,重要的是永不放弃

    That means setting goals, being involved on campus and in your community, working hard, and most importantly, never giving up!


  • 让我们生活正在和平的世界里。只是希瞧最好我们都有本人命运侥幸,那也正是我们卖为之勤奋的

    Let's live in peace guys... I only wish you the best... we have our own luck and destiny and that's what we should be working hard at.


  • 于是想起了一首名为“让生活一种风景”,上面写道:“一天下来腰酸背疼——因为我有能力勤奋工作。

    Then I remember a poem named "Life could be worse", which said:" For the weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means I have been capable of working hard.


  • 养成了克鲁斯一种吃苦勤奋精神一种对待生活乐观态度。

    The hardships then made him be hardworking and diligent to treat life with optimism.


  • 一个温文尔雅,聪明伶俐女孩学习刻苦勤奋生活乐于助人。这个奋发向上的女孩子就是杨旭敏。

    She is a cultured and bright girl. In the field of learning. She study hard . in life , she is helpful.


  • 勤奋努力,学习理解能力强我会投入最大热情面对以后学习生活

    Of the hard work and ability to learn to understand, I will put the greatest enthusiasm, I have to deal with life after learning.


  • 生活事业带来成功的是勤奋而不是命运

    It's diligence, not good luck, that can bring you success in your life and career.


  • 喜欢学习,我家里学校都努力表现优秀,我认真父母老师做的事,我的未来快乐生活勤奋学习。

    I love studying, and I try to be very well-behaved not only at home but also at school. I do what my parents and teachers tell me. I try my best to live happily and study hard for my future.


  • 喜欢学习,我家里学校都努力表现优秀,我认真父母老师做的事,我的未来快乐生活勤奋学习。

    I love studying, and I try to be very well-behaved not only at home but also at school. I do what my parents and teachers tell me. I try my best to live happily and study hard for my future.


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