Q: You were wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses, a Raf Simons coat, Prada trousers and Burberry shoes, and holding a Givenchy bag in your photo on style.com.
The collection of apparel, footwear, handbags and jewelry is expected to retail at $12 to $40.
In Cairo young women match the colour of their veils with that of their tunics, handbags, make-up and shoes.
I noticed her clothes, her shoes, and her expensive handbag, and I wondered what it would be like, to be rich enough to walk into a bookstore and have the money to buy any book my heart desired.
Aside from her shoes and a sizable number of handbags, Ms. Mellon's clothing collection veers towards simpler pieces.
Ieuan reuses teabags 3 times before finally throwing them away and wears boots strapped together with duct tape.
And don't stop at jewellery, gold shoes or a gold bag are a show-stopping addition to any outfit.
When I was young, my mom had this odd habit of buying something nice (like a watch or jewelry or shoes), wrapping it in a towel, and putting it in the attic.
The dog was wearing a backpack, trousers andjumper - as well as some pink shoes as it roamed inChangzhou, eastern China.
Fortunately, I could buy a bag full of shoes for Red Bull X-Alps when I was in the USA recently.
Thee dog was wearing a backpack, trousers and jumper - as well as some pink shoes as it roamed in Changzhou, eastern China.
Act as a purchasing agent service: for example: milk powder, famous brand bags, cosmetics, shoes, watches.
For creative industries such as advertising, graphicdesign, you can dress more creatively then usual by brighteningup you outfit or adding some personal touch like a nice bag or stylishshoes.
It would be a boring society if everyone wore shoes and clothes of the same style and color, had the same hairstyle, and carried the same bags.
Poly Vinyl Chloride, which we know as every day 'PVC' is modified, i. e. softened and can then be used in the manufacture of products such as hand bags, sport bags, shoes and fake leather.
Poly Vinyl Chloride, which we know as every day 'PVC' is modified, i. e. softened and can then be used in the manufacture of products such as hand bags, sport bags, shoes and fake leather.