• 电池其实就是化学反应器

    Batteries are essentially chemical reactors.


  • 应用三相流化床电极反应器新型化学反应器处理制浆废水

    Treatment of pulping wastewater by using a novel electrochemical reactor, i. e. the three phase fluidized bed electrode, reactor were invesigated.


  • 因此矩形波导谐振腔微波化学反应器适合用来甲烷偶联C2

    So microwave chemistry reactor made of rectangular groove guide reactor is more suitable to make methane to C2 alkynes.


  • 化学反应工程这些因素综合学科旨在设计正确化学反应器

    Chemical reaction engineering is, the synthesis of all these factors with the aim of properly designing a chemical reactor.


  • 分析传统化学反应器缺陷基础上,研制一种新型化学反应器

    Based on analyzing the defects existing in traditional sonochemical reactors, the authors developed a new type of sonochemical reactors that controls the reactant temperature by cooling and heating.


  • 研究固定化学反应器硝基苯化学还原制备对氨基苯酚的过程

    The process, electrochemical reduction of nitrobenzene to produce p-amino-phenol in a packed bed electrochemical reactor, is investigated.


  • 对于CSTR化学反应器控制由于过程本身的严重非线性变得十分困难

    The control of process such as CSTR reactor can be very difficult due to their highly nonlinear nature.


  • 介绍一种适用于微波化学反应器防爆喷缓冲装置的结构工作原理使用方法

    A buffer for protection from bumping in chemical reactions heated with microwave radiation was fabricated and its structure, working principle and method of manipulation were described.


  • 流化床化学反应器一种新型化学反应器,具有活性面积系数高等优点。

    The fluidized-bed electrochemical reactor is a new type of electrocbemical reactor cbaracterized by large active surface and high mass transter coefficient.


  • 发明涉及一种内置化学反应器联合脱除燃煤可吸入颗粒物重金属装置方法

    The invention relates to a device provided with chemical reactor therein for jointly removing inhalable particle of coal and heavy metal Hg and method.


  • 论文通过反应器结构改进,成功地研制出了大气压反常辉光放电等离子体化学反应器

    In this dissertation, through some improvements of conventional reactor structure, a new abnormal glow discharge plasma chemical reaction apparatus under atmospheric pressure has been invented.


  • 分析表明介质加载时圆形槽波导模式次序发生变化设计圆形槽波导微波化学反应器提供了依据

    T he result that the presence of dielectric plate inside CGG changes the mode order will be useful for the design of the microwave chemical reactor based on CGG.


  • 自行设计制造不同结构化学反应器,通过流体停留时间分布测定求得流动模型参数

    The flow model parameters were obtained from determining the fluid resident time distributions in two kinds of the different structural plate and frame electrolyzers that were self-designed and made.


  • 在使用波导型微波化学反应器实验研究多数液相化学反应在置于波导中心的试管烧杯中进行。

    Most of the liquid chemistry reaction could be put into a tube or a beaker inside the microwave chemistry experiment system.


  • 利用化学反应器模型及理论可以定量描述动物消化过程,阐述动物采取消化对策分析食物的消化动力等。

    Chemical reactor model is very useful to characterize the animal gut quantitatively and help us to interpret the digestive strategies of animals.


  • 针对这种缺陷论文提出波导谐振腔结构微波化学反应器对槽波导谐振腔微波化学反应器进行详细分析和优化。

    In order to solve these defects, we put forward microwave chemistry reactor made of groove waveguide resonator, and we do a lot of studies.


  • 此外大部分微波化学反应器都是家用微波炉改装而成,功率工作稳定,多个源功率合成实际上是非相干源的合成。

    Further more, most of the chemical reactors are made by domestic microwave ovens, and the power generator is unstable while working, accordingly, the microwave power synthesizing is incoherent.


  • 间歇化学反应器高度非线性对象,包括了所有批量过程控制难点涵盖顺序控制、逻辑控制、回路控制的所有控制概念。

    The batch reactor is high nonlinear process, includes all difficulties of batch process, involves the sequence control, logic control, loop control, etc.


  • 功率激励器作用,矩形波导谐振腔微波化学反应器甲烷气体在常压下可以产生微波放电使甲烷转化C2

    Under the effect of high power and actuator, it can form microwave discharge, and make methane to C2 alkynes in microwave chemistry reactor made of rectangular groove guide reactor under atmospheric.


  • 因此开展化学反应器控制对象的“面向复杂工业过程集成优化控制的应用环境建设与先进控制方法研究”,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    So it is very important to do research on the advanced control oriented complex industrial process integrated and optimize control application based on chemical reactor.


  • 化学反应器不仅满足强度条件保证使用中不发生断裂破坏;也保证刚度条件,使设备在正常操作时弯曲变形不超过规定的许可范围

    Reactors used in chemical industry must satisfy rigidity requirements to ensure the bending distortion to be controlled within the tolerated range as well as strength requirements to prevent breakage.


  • 分隔的流经式化学反应器金属氧化物电极(DSA阳极石墨阴极,采用电化学活性KN-R模拟废水进行处理研究。

    The electrochemical treatment of reactive brilliant blue KN-R simulated wastewater was carried out in a divided flow-by cell with metal oxide(DSA)as anode and graphite as cathode.


  • 讨论了两个连续搅拌反应器组成化学反应系统延迟同步问题

    The problem of lag synchronization for chemical reaction system composed of two continuous stirred tank reactors is proposed.


  • 搅拌反应釜的对比试验表明环路反应器的宏观化学反应速率优于搅拌反应器

    The result shows that the reaction rate in loop reactor is better than in stirrer reactor.


  • 甲醇低压羰基化制醋酸反应器化学反应流体力学状况非常复杂

    Chemical reaction and hydrodynamic status are very complicated in the reactor of acetic acid through low-pressure methanol carbonylation.


  • 本文有关反应器篇文献综述文中详细讨论了反应器所用膜材料种类、性能以及各种化学反应中的应用

    This paper is a review to membrane reactor. The variety performance membrane material of membrane reactor and its applications in all kinds of chemical reactions are discussed in detail.


  • 反应器研究了氯磺化反应气固相反应机理发现气体的内扩散本征化学反应氯磺化反应的控制步骤。

    The gas-solid reaction mechanism was studied in the tank reactor. It was found that the reaction rate was controlled by the interdiffusion and intrinsic chemical reaction.


  • 反应器研究了氯磺化反应气固相反应机理发现气体的内扩散本征化学反应氯磺化反应的控制步骤。

    The gas-solid reaction mechanism was studied in the tank reactor. It was found that the reaction rate was controlled by the interdiffusion and intrinsic chemical reaction.


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