• 旋涡加速了未反应区的化学反应速率

    Vortices accelerate reaction rates of the unreacted region.


  • 线性回归得出化学反应速率常数表观值。

    The apparent reaction rate constant can be obtained by linear regression.


  • 本文针对反应各种情况讨论化学反应速率

    The paper discusses the rate of chemical reaction in chemical reaction for some situations.


  • 同时初步探讨了磁场影响化学反应速率机理展望了化学发展前景

    The mechanism of magnetic field effects on reaction rates and the development of the magnetic chemistry are also discussed.


  • 选用合适的电极材料可以加速化学反应速率有助于有机物化学转化。

    Selection of proper electrode materials will accelerate electrochemical reaction rate, help electro chemical transfer of organics.


  • 搅拌反应釜的对比试验表明环路反应的宏观化学反应速率优于搅拌反应器。

    The result shows that the reaction rate in loop reactor is better than in stirrer reactor.


  • 选用合适阳极阴极材料可以加速化学反应速率有助于有机物的电化学转化。

    The appropriate choice of anodic and cathodic material is effective for the acceleration of electrochemical reaction rate, which favors electrochemical conversion of organic matters.


  • 《定性化学提出化学反应速率理论沉淀理论、金属活泼理论重要化学原理;

    Important chemical principles such as chemical reaction rate, deposition, chemical activity of metals were pointed in this textbook.


  • 本文通过建立反应动力学方程获得了麦草甲酸法制浆化学反应速率常数以及反应级数。

    The rate constant and the order of reaction are determined through the establishment of kinetic equation in delignification reaction.


  • 不同养护温度混凝土进行研究化学反应速率描述温度对混凝土徐变的影响

    A study was made on concrete creep under different curing temperatures, and the comprehensive effects of time and temperature on creep development were expressed with the chemical reaction rate.


  • 本文化学反应动力学微观角度阐述了化学反应速率严谨定义表示方法适用条件

    From a microscopic view point of the chemical rate, this article gives the exact definition the chemical rate, its expressing method and applying conditions.


  • 化学反应速率温度分布随时间变化情况详细描述预混火焰微型圆管中传播的三情况。

    These behaviors have been described in detail by the contours of rate of reaction and temperature at different time.


  • 这里强调,我们讨论化学反应速率的时候,这点和平衡不同,我们只讨论特定方向反应

    So the point I'm emphasizing here is when we talk about reaction rates, unlike equilibria, we're talking about a particular direction.


  • 课程主要讨论宏观系统平衡性质基础热力学相与溶液中的化学反应平衡化学反应速率

    This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase, and rates of chemical reactions.


  • 通过化学反应可以某些固体表面形成化学薄膜,膜质量成膜时膜表面的化学反应速率决定的。

    A layer of chemical film can be formed on the surface of solid through chemical reaction. The quality of film is decided by the speed of chemical reaction of film surface.


  • 通过炸药化学反应速率方程分析建立基于KIM弹粘塑性球壳塌缩热点模型原理的三项式整体化学反应速率方程模型。

    A new reaction rate function model is set up based on the KIM pore collapse hot spot reaction model by an analysis on explosive reaction rate function models.


  • 通过国外文献计算结果比较可知物性系数化学反应速率常数边界条件处理等对组分浓度影响较大,缺乏这些数据库将会影响计算结果。

    By comparison with computation results of reference, it is cleared that material parameters, chemical reaction rate constants and boundary conditions affect the species concentration very much.


  • 他们所推崇一种假说认为热带地区温度更高意味着化学反应发生速度更快,因此生物代谢速率更快。

    The one they favoured is that the higher temperature of the tropics means that chemical reactions happen faster and metabolic rates are therefore higher.


  • 现在研究人员惊奇地发现这种认为浪花飞溅时才发生化学反应,也同样的速率发生距离任何海洋1500公里科罗拉多州博尔德(boulder)市上空。

    Now, in a surprise, researchers have found that this chemistry thought to be restricted to sea spray occurs at similar rates in air above Boulder, Colo., nearly 900 miles away from any ocean.


  • 结果表明由于成核添加剂PET之间熔融态下存在化学反应导致PET不同程度分子量下降,同时PET结晶速率发生变化

    It is found that there are chemical reactions between nucleating additives and PET in the melt state, resulting in the change of molecular weight and crystallization rate of PET in some degree.


  • 并用热解动力学化学反应本质解释升温速率煤的粘结性的改善作用

    Explanation was given on improvement effect of heating rate to caking property from essence of chemical reaction using pyrolysis kinetics.


  • 运用化学反应工程观点方法研究了工业结晶过程中流体的混合状态及其晶体生长速率影响

    Mixing phenomna in industrial crystallization, and effects of mixing characteristics on the crystal growth rate were discussed using the principles and methods of chemical reaction engineering.


  • 认为化学反应速率有限,非平衡扩散采用双组元扩散模型

    It is assumed that the chemical reactions proceed at finite rate, a binary diffusion model is used for nonequilibrium diffusion.


  • 结果表明(用)损失化学反应传热速率正相关。

    The results show that the exergy loss is directly proportional to the rates of chemical reaction and heat transfer.


  • 过程化学反应过程,矿物粒度浸取浓度反应速率影响较大

    Leaching process is a chemical reaction process, mineral particle size and concentration also have great impact on the leaching rate.


  • :在活性生物体催化剂作用物质它调节化学反应中的反应速率自身改变

    Enzyme: Substance that ACTS as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which life's chemical reactions proceed without Being altered in the process.


  • 反应速率化学反应进行速度单位时间产物生成量反应消耗量来表示。

    Reaction rate: Speed at which a chemical reaction proceeds, in terms of amount of product formed or amount of reactant consumed per unit of time.


  • 本文研究了二硝基异构体模拟大气条件下化学反应,结果表明反应速率二级动力学关系。

    Photo reaction of dinitropyrenes in simulated atmospheric conditions was studied. The photochemical reaction rate was found to be of the second order.


  • 本文研究了二硝基异构体模拟大气条件下化学反应,结果表明反应速率二级动力学关系。

    Photo reaction of dinitropyrenes in simulated atmospheric conditions was studied. The photochemical reaction rate was found to be of the second order.


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