• 大同盆地东大化学沉积物样品实验室分析结果表明化学物质水菱镁矿

    The result of the laboratory analysis of the lacustrine chemical sediment samples from Dongdagou in the Datong Basin shows that the chemical matter is a hydromagnesite.


  • 利用洞穴次生化学沉积物进行环境重建第四纪全球变化研究一个热点,稳定同位素重要的气候替代性指标

    The carbon and oxygen stable isotopes have been considered to be the most effectual proxy indexes in reconstructing the paleoclimate of Quaternary.


  • 探险队采集样品揭示了沉积物之间化学成分化石分布重大差异

    Samples recovered from the expedition revealed important differences in chemical composition and fossil distribution among the sediment layers.


  • 来自不同来源数据包括保存海底沉积物中的地球化学证据,都表明白垩世气候非常温和

    Data from diverse sources, including geochemical evidence preserved in seafloor sediments, indicate that the Late Cretaceous climate was very mild.


  • 来自不同来源数据包括存留海底沉积物中的地球化学依据表明白垩纪气候如今温和

    Data from diverse sources, including geochemical evidence preserved in seafloor sediments, indicate that the Late Cretaceous climate was milder than today's.


  • 它们厚厚的泥沙沉积物覆盖由于化学变化压力温度作用过程,在漫长的时间中变成我们知道石油

    They were covered with huge deposits of mud; and by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil.


  • 表明轨道(遥感)探测(比如伯龙号”)方法可以用来探测木卫二非冰沉积物化学成分,并可能从中发现地外微生物等生命迹象

    This means that an orbiting sensor like Hyperion could be used to identify chemicals in Europa's non-ice deposits that may be a sign of extraterrestrial microbial life.


  • 这些化学物质提取物似乎可以危害轻的沉积物,来替换这些有害粘性斑块

    Scientists say the chemicalsor, extracts — appear to replace the harmful, sticky plaque with deposits that are less harmful.


  • 确定气候变化如何改变北极湖泊这种生物地球化学循环系统,德莱夫尼克研究小组分析了来自加拿大北极地区和挪威瓦尔·巴德9个湖泊的沉积物岩心样本。

    To determine how climate change alters this biogeochemical cycle in Arctic lakes, Drevnick's team analyzed sediment cores from nine lakes in the Canadian Arctic and in Svalbard, Norway.


  • 海洋天然气水合物生成过程中会引起周围沉积物孔隙水中元素地球化学异常,这些异常指示天然气水合物存在重要标志。

    The elemental geochemical anomaly of pore water in Marine sediments during the formation of gas hydrate is a significant indication for Marine gas hydrates in the deep sea floor.


  • 科学家表示这种斑块沉积物通过包括仙人球在内的植物中提取的化学物质减少

    But scientists say the plaque deposits can be reduced with chemicals from plants, including prickly pear and brown seaweed.


  • 研究成果表明河漫滩表层沉积物森林超低密度地球化学调查最佳采样介质

    Studies show that surface sediments of the flood land seem to be the best sampling media in ultra-low density geochemical investigation in forest-swamp areas.


  • 化学治理技术,较详细介绍了壳聚糖治理海洋沉积物重金属污染潜在应用价值

    And in the chemical control, the potential application of Chitosan in prevention of heavy metal pollution in Marine sediments was introduced in detail.


  • 综述营养化水体沉积物化学形态释放规律及其影响因素

    In this paper, chemical forms, release rules and their affecting factors of phosphorus in the sediments of eutrophic water were discussed.


  • 选用恰当清洗剂,采用合理的化学清洗工艺有效地去除输油管内的沉积物恢复输油压力

    The deposit could be effectively removed and oil pressure was renewed by way of choosing effectual cleaner and chemical cleaning technology.


  • 综述沉积物低层大气三维空间进行天然气水合物地球化学识别方法研究成果

    The authors introduce the research results of identifying gas hydrate from sediments, bottom water and lower atmospheric layers.


  • 海洋沉积物已经成为海洋水体环境持久性有毒化学污染物主要存贮地。

    In a word, marine sediments has become the main reservoir of persistent and poison chemical pollutants in marine environment.


  • 本区沉积物具有相似地球化学特性

    Sediments of this area have similar geochemical characters.


  • 本文对小湾海域化学沉积物生物体化学要素含量水平分布进行了研究

    The distributive feature and the level of the chemical factors contents in the water column, sediments and marine organisms in Xiaoyao Bay have been studied in the paper, The results show that.


  • 解决这样的问题、就是溶化沉积物按照化学原理就是要增加溶剂加热搅拌震动

    To solve this problem is to dissolve sediment, according to chemical principles is to increase the solvent, heating, stirring, vibration.


  • 依据黄海沉积物粘土矿地球化学等方面资料,对南黄海沉积物物质来源运移了深入的探讨。

    Base on the clay minerals and geochemical data for the southern Yellow sea, the material sources and transportation of sediments are researched in this paper.


  • 一切环境碳酸盐沉积物基本上古代生物化学体系产物

    Carbonate sediments in all environments are basically products of an ancient biochemical system.


  • 地下生物最早证据格陵兰岛地表发现有机化学结构岩石认为来自古代海底沉积物

    The earliest evidence for terrestrial life is the organic chemical structure of a rock found on the surface in Greenland. The surface was thought to be from an ancient sea floor sediment.


  • 同时结合现代生物修复化学治理技术,提出一些预防治理海洋沉积物重金属污染方面设想

    According to modern bio-mediation and chemical control technologies, some tentative plans to prevent or reduce the concentrations of heavy metals.


  • 本文报道黄海表层沉积物不同形态区域分布特征及其生物地球化学循环中的作用

    The distributions and functions of various forms of nitrogen in the biogeochemical cycling in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments were investigated.


  • 本文着重论述了山门银矿地球化学特征; 水系沉积物土壤原生地球化学异常特征和分带性。

    This paper mainly describes the geochemical characteristics, primary geochemical anomaly characteristics of water-laid deposits, soil and the zonation.


  • 海洋天然气水合物的生成除了受温度压力影响外,还要受到孔隙化学组成流体气体浓度沉积物类型的影响。

    Besides temperature and pressure, the controlling factors for gas hydrate stability also include pore water composition, gas concentration in the fluid and Marine sediment types in the seafloor.


  • 海洋天然气水合物的生成除了受温度压力影响外,还要受到孔隙化学组成流体气体浓度沉积物类型的影响。

    Besides temperature and pressure, the controlling factors for gas hydrate stability also include pore water composition, gas concentration in the fluid and Marine sediment types in the seafloor.


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