Regional industrial cluster brands are kind of regional club goods, regional collective property fight and marking intellectual property rgight.
According to the results, this paper puts forward the strategies, which will enhance economy effect of industrial cluster in Inner Mongolia through the construction of regional brand.
In this paper, after the access to relevant theory, discusses the industrial clusters and regional brands in the definition, characteristics and classification.
Finally based on the whole research, dissertation stands the marketing point of view; the paper takes an in-depth analysis to furniture industry cluster of Chengdu promoting regional brands.
创建区域品牌、实现由成本竞争向品牌竞争的转变是提升产业集群竞争力的战略选择。 创建区域品牌需要依托产业集群,培育名牌产品;
Developing regional brand and realizing the change from cost competition to brand competition is a strategic choice of upgrading the competitiveness of industrial cluster.
This paper explores the function mechanism of industrial clusters on regional economic growth from the perspective of regional brand.
This paper explores the function mechanism of industrial clusters on regional economic growth from the perspective of regional brand.