Callback examples in most GWT books and online tutorials are implemented as anonymous inner classes.
No more ugly anonymous inner classes: just use closures through those shortcut methods!
But anonymous inner classes give you only a loose approximation of closures, and they don't go as far as you need to go.
One of the advantages of using code blocks over a similar mechanism like anonymous inner classes lies in its conciseness.
In fact, an anonymous inner class can't even extend a class and implement an interface at the same time.
This restriction is lifted in Groovy; you can change the values of variables in a containing scope from within an anonymous inner class.
As I probably mentioned before, you'll frequently see AsyncCallback classes defined as anonymous inner classes.
The first set of enclosing braces delineates the construction of an anonymous inner class, and the second set delineates the instance initializer for the anonymous inner class.
Here, the ActionListener implementation is defined in place, as an anonymous inner class, and directly attached to the button.
The only thing a class needs to be used this way is a default constructor (which allows you to create an anonymous inner class instance inheriting from your class).
The addOrderFrom() method collapses to the definition of an anonymous inner class creation of the command class, wrapping the two work items.
This is an improvement over having to write a class any time an anonymous inner class is needed and can help keep the code more self-documenting.
I'm left with some ugly boilerplate code because of the anonymous inner class wrapping this method's real purpose - the two lines of code that appear in the body of the addOrderFrom method.
Primarily, you can use anonymous inner classes to implement closures.
The code in Listing 1 would be much neater if the anonymous class was placed separately as an inner class.
The code in Listing 1 would be much neater if the anonymous class was placed separately as an inner class.