• 北美游牧民中生活

    For ten years she dwelled among the nomads of North America.


  • 名义上又掌管了这家公司

    He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.


  • 意大利政治腐败困扰了。

    Italy has been afflicted by political corruption for decades.


  • 丈夫乐队吹了十年长号

    Her husband had played the trombone in the band for a decade.


  • 之后习惯英国人的奇异习俗

    After ten years I'm used to the strange British ways.


  • 商界之后变得老成聪明了。

    I'm older and wiser after ten years in the business.


  • 动物行为学家已经研究这些猴子了。

    Animal behaviourists have been studying these monkeys for decades.


  • 最新CD过去十年爵士乐作品集

    His latest CD is a compilation of his jazz works over the past decade.


  • 所医院里工作护理癌症病人

    He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients.


  • 十年至少有一超新星我们银河系中出现。

    At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.


  • 一领域技术经过过去十年的发展已经相当完善。

    Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade.


  • 国际货币基金组织已经调低未来十年增长预测

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.


  • 教育委员会今天公布关于今后十年师资储备报告

    The education committee will today publish its report on the supply of teachers for the next decade.


  • 拳击生涯中创纪录累计获胜176次。

    In ten years of boxing he racked up a record 176 wins.


  • 按照目前下降速度许多雨林动物不到会绝种。

    At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years.


  • 那个岗位干了之后,觉得腻了需要换换工作。

    After ten years in the job, she felt stale and needed a change.


  • 游历世界之后觉得找个地方定居时候了。

    After ten years travelling the world, she felt it was time to put down roots somewhere.


  • 医生们十年目标在于使宫颈癌妇女人数减少一半

    Doctors aim to cut the number of women dying from cervical cancer by half this decade.


  • 富国穷国敲诈钱财已有些国家反其道而行之的时候

    After decades of rich nations screwing money out of poor nations, it's about time some went the other way.


  • 他们征服阿富汗人的意图耗费大量金钱而且无效维持了的时间。

    Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.


  • 尽管种族隔离取消后采取了平权举措,几乎没有黑人运动员达到过顶极。

    Despite nearly a decade of positive discrimination since apartheid was dismantled, few black sportsmen have reached the top level.


  • 它们通常大概十年出现次。

    They typically appear about once in a decade.


  • 墨西哥城大约每隔

    About once in ten years snow falls on Mexico City.


  • 寒窗无人问,一举成名天下知。

    After ten years' hard study noticed by none, his fame fills the land once honours are won.


  • 但是纺织业繁荣持续了

    But the textile boom lasted only several decades.


  • 父母很少回老家他们次。

    My parents seldom go to their hometown. They go there once ten years.


  • 十年过去了再也没有

    Decades passed without my touching a knitting needle.


  • 过去了没有碰过根编织

    Then decades passed without my touching a knitting needle.


  • 听起来遥遥无期

    Ten years sounds far, far away.


  • 立刻爱上继续大约芭蕾舞

    I fell in love with it instantly and continued with ballet dancing for about ten years.


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