For semiquantitative analysis, standardized uptake value (SUV) was calculated.
These 21 tumors were all considered as benign by visual method and semiquantitative analysis.
The methods can be used for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of Sn and Fe in Ti-based alloys.
The research results of the paper can meet the requirements about qualitative analysis and semi-quantitative analysis of Mg-based alloy.
The results can meet the requirements about qualitative analysis and semi-quantitative analysis of tungsten in superalloy.
Conclusion The results provided the reference for evaluation and semiquantify analysis in PET/CT imaging.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Glucose metabolism of bilateral frontal lobes, bilateral caudate nuclei, bilateral cingulate gyri and bilateral cerebella.
SPECT lung perfusion scanning is a simple, convenient and useful method for assessing pulmonary flow qualitatively and semi-quantitatively.
Study on the Synthesis, Identification and Quantity of the Main Impurities in the Technical Triadimefon;
用16 -节段半定量分析法对左心室各节段收缩运动和增厚情况给予分级记分。
Left ventricular regional wall motion and thickening in each segment were graded and scored using a 16 segment model and semiquantitative analysis method.
The expressions of LMP2 and LMP7 in labial specimens were determined using immunohistochemical approaches and analyzed using semi-quantitative methods.
The distribution of neuropeptide Y(NPY) immunoreactive neurons were observed under light microscope, and analyzed by com-puter-assisted image analysis system.
In this study, correlation and regression analysis reflect the qualitative semi-quantitative relationship of remote sensing indicators and the growing parameters.
用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP -MS)对鲨鱼软骨进行全元素的半定量分析。
Semiquantitative estimation of all elements in shark cartilage was investigated by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS).
The research results of the paper can be used for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of matrix and alloy element. The i…
Basde on two examples and the simulated calculation results, the paper analyzes half quantitatively the possible factors influencing the evacuation of the people in case of fire.
Scaning electronics microscopy (SEM) was applied hereby to surface phase and elements analysis of the powder by precursor method and grain sample by microwave method.
最后通过XPS,AF M,紫外,红外,拉曼对薄膜的成分、结构和特性作了定性和半定量分析。
Finally, we use XPS, AFM, ultraviolet, infrared and Raman to analyze the component, structure and feature of the films qualitatively and quantitatively.
Methods: Actin in cardiac myocytes of rats with chronic heart failure induced by banding of ascending aorta was analysed qualitatively and hemi-quantitatively via SP method.
The kidney is the good organ in time-intensity curve study and the parameters of the curve can effectively describe the renal perfusion.
The analysis method of using the characteristic spectrums of fe and other elements of ferroalloys to differentiate the matrix and to analyze various elements was researched.
应用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT - PCR)半定量分析大鼠脑放射性损伤后海马区在不同时间、不同剂量水平IL - 6基因转录的动态表达。
Semiquantitative analysis of IL-6 in the hippocampus was done at different time and dose level after whole-brain irradiation with reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
Under the microscope magnifying 200,6 sections of each sample in 5 random sights were selected to conduct the semi-quantitative analysis of the mean absorbance (Am) and integral absorbance (Ai).
Rapid semiquantitative analysis has extensive applicable value by simplicity, rapidity and generality. In this paper, we present some means of this research by EDXFS spectrometer.
All elements from beryllium to uranium can be determined qualitatively, semi-quantitatively and quantitatively in solids, powders and liquids.
The article focuses on quantity analysis, discussion of using constant quantity instrument to do semimicro chemical analysis experiment.
The images were analyzed by visual, semiquantitative evaluation and quantitative measurement.
The above methods could be applied for the extraction and the quantitative analysis of volatile substances in sparkling grape wine.
The above methods could be applied for the extraction and the quantitative analysis of volatile substances in sparkling grape wine.