This is a high precision job. There mustn't be the slightest slip.
I felt bad that I was just sitting on the sidelines, not able to help much.
It was bright and beautiful, an arresting sight, but it did little to alleviate my sadness.
There are translators who claim they never allow a less-than-perfect translation to leave their desk. They are lying.
I had no idea, when I went online to make my first blog post just six years ago, how proud I would come to feel about being a blogger.
While I do admit that I had a lot of luck in this story, there's certainly nothing special about my circumstances.
If Cobb had half a brain, he'd have happily returned to the States to have the murder charges laughed out of court.
But instead, she wasted all that energy to go after something that has little to no impact on the thing she cared about: her family.
There is some hope though if you really don’t want to be associated with it any longer.
There is some hope, though, if you really don’t want to be associated with it any longer.
I have no reservations about the use of medications for dealing with depression, an emotional disorder described later in this chapter.
The equipment generates evidence used in court proceedings, allowing no room for any errors, Owen said.
This is all on behalf of a cause other than one's own genetic fitness, of course.
I helped Gregory put a pumpkin on his back and he carried it all the way to the cave without even complaining.
The people willingly, and without the slightest suspicion, hopped aboard two ships – women in one, men in the other.
Before I started reading and writing romance novels, I never would have thought there was anything remotely geeky about romance writers.
As she wrote in her diary, her passage through the family was like the river rhone flowing through the lake of Geneva "without mingling any part of its streams with that lake".
"Megan!" Annabel ran to find Megan. Julia shone the light around the cave. There was no sign of Megan.
I learned about the great upheaval only by piecing it together from Betty’s reluctant account.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just put out a report that shows it's not even close.
As they had been discussing a score of personal matters only half-an-hour before, the introductory style seemed a little superfluous.
It would have been strong 100 years ago, but now I probably wouldn't have picked it up at all if I hadn't deliberately tuned in to that wavelength to see if there was any signal left.
He looked at me with much curiosity, not at all angry or upset. Tell me, he asked, why did you do it?
Mr. Motroni, whoarrived from Cuba when he was 12 knowing no English, felt blessed for thechance to reinvent himself in the United States.
Mr. Motroni, whoarrived from Cuba when he was 12 knowing no English, felt blessed for thechance to reinvent himself in the United States.