• 循环吸附工艺(TCAP)是一种连续的同位素分离方法,在分离氢同位素方面许多独特优越性

    Among all hydrogen isotope separation technologies, Thermal Cycling Absorption process (TCAP), a semi-continuous hydrogen isotope separation process, is of many unique advantages.


  • 每个有一老鼠都被连续16喂以脂肪的食物另一低热量的食物

    Half the mice in each group ate a high-fat diet for 16 weeks while their counterparts crunched on low-cal food.


  • 因此相机能够最高连速度达到了10/由于透镜技术的特性,在连拍时能够连续自动对焦。索尼表示全球没有第二部相机做到

    As a result, the camera can shoot an incredible 10 shots a second, refocusing all the way. Sony says no other camera in the world can do that.


  • 连续分析方式处理信息,当文本电子数据更加活跃

    The left side of the brain processes information in an analytical and sequential way and is more active when people read text or look at a spreadsheet.


  • 因此款相机能够最高连速度达到了10张/由于透镜技术的特性,在连拍时能够连续自动对焦。

    As a result, the camera can shoot an incredible 10 shots a second, refocusing all the way.


  • 志愿者连续每天公斤草莓证实食用这种水果能提高血液氧化能力

    ScienceDaily (June 22, 2011) —A group of volunteers ate half a kilo of strawberries every day for two weeks to demonstrate that eating this fruit improves the antioxidant capacity of blood.


  • Cinematon于1978年开机,包括名人艺术家哲学家记者小孩连续镜头

    Cinematon was started in 1978 and comprises three and a half minute segments of footage from celebrities, artists, philosophers and journalists, as well as young children.


  • 露天矿工艺系统可靠性露天矿主要技术经济指标很大影响特别是采用连续连续开采工艺时更是如此。

    The reliability of mining technological systems has a notable impact on main economic and technical indices. especially when continuous or semi-continuous mining system is employed.


  • 介绍一种新型连续大宗散机及其卸料工艺专利技术

    This paper introduces a patented new systems and technology for semicontinuous unloading of bulk materials from ships.


  • 这个生物质连续分解状态下,最后生成了一种稳定的物质叫做腐殖质

    This biomass material is in a continuing state of decomposition, ultimately becoming that semi-stable material called humus.


  • 研究电磁振荡7075铝合金连续铸锭微观组织及溶质元素宏观微观分布的作用规律。

    The microstructure as well as solute distribution both in microscopic and macroscopic view for 7075 alloy by semi-continuous casting under the electromagnetic vibration were investigated.


  • 给出关于集值映射连续选择连续选择几个结果。 其中,定理1E

    Some results on continuous selections and semicontinuous selections of Set-valued mappings are given in this paper, where theorem 1 is an improvement of E.


  • 以往露天矿连续运输系统可靠性分析实质上一般进行只是其中的一部分环节连续部分的可靠性分析

    In essence, analysing reliability of semicontinuous convey system in surface miners in the past is only to analyse reliability of continuous link as a past of the whole semicontinuous convey system.


  • 作为连续推广引入了半连续代数格的概念,讨论了它们的一些基本性质。

    As generalizations of semicontinuous lattices and semialgebraic lattices, the concepts of quasi-semicontinuous lattices and quasi-semialgebraic lattices are introduced.


  • 微生物培养方式分为分批培养连续培养连续培养,其中,分批培养应用最为广泛。

    Microbial cultivation methods can be classified into batch culture, semi-continuous culture and continuous culture.


  • 着重半连续范畴态射类的构成,给出了一个新的刻画

    Especially gives a new characterization on morphisms of category of semicontinuous lattices.


  • 然而连续流加丙酸酐批式反应系统中,所有这些缺点均有效地克服

    All these drawbacks, however, could be effectively overcome in a semi batch reaction system into which propionic anhydride was continuously fed.


  • 流程工业连续连续生产过程企业

    Flow industry is an enterprise of continuous and semi - continuous process of manufacture.


  • 根据黑岱沟露天煤矿条件,研究黄土剥离采用连续工艺的可行性方式。

    According to the conditions of the surface coal mine in Heidaigou, the semi-continuous mining system for loess stripping was put forward, and the feasibility of this system was studied.


  • 承受局部火灾连续框架多高层拱形桁架采用了基于性能分析方法。

    Performance based assessments are carried out on semi - continuous frames, multi - story structure and large- span arched frame exposed to localized fire.


  • 超级普通有限元划分基础上进行二次单元划分的一种半连续方法

    Super finite element method is a semi-continuous method to unit quadratic division on the basis of ordinary finite element division.


  • 给出了分明拓扑空间中半连续函数概念讨论它们某些性质

    We introduce the concepts of semi-open sets and semi-continuous functions, and discuss some of their properties in fuzzifying topology.


  • 本文介绍了立式连续铸造速度控制系统工作原理、阀、速度控制方式各种关键问题解决方法

    This text introduces the operation principle, valve position, velocity control, and the solution for key problems of velocity valve's control system for vertical semi-continuous casting machine.


  • 其中一受试者分配入禁食组,每周连续每天摄入的热量不得超过500卡路里。

    Half of the subjects were assigned to eat no more than 500 calories each on two consecutive days each week.


  • 给出了连续函数定义研究函数具有连续条件,推出了半连续函数的一些性质

    In this paper, we study the definition of semi continuous function and the sufficient conditions of semi continuity, obtain some properties of semi continuous function.


  • 连续色调色调图像则保存了较多的颜色信息通常要求较高的颜色分辨率空间分辨率的要求不高。

    Comparatively, the regions of continue-tone images blocks or half-tone images blocks are with more color information, usually demand more color resolution, but little space resolution.


  • 作者利用五个实验室规模的完全混合反应器进行时间的半连续培养研究氯化钠抑制乙酸盐的厌氧降解

    A long-term semi-continuous cultivation was performed in five lab-scale complete mixed reactors in order to study the anaerobic degradation of acetate under NaCl inhibition.


  • 结论推广了线性算子范数连续性质保持,丰富和完善了非线性算子群的理论

    The result derived extends persistence of norm continuity of linear strongly continuous semigroups and enriches theory of semigroups of nonlinear operators.


  • 通过铝合金铸锭外形尺寸实测数据分析,提出一种连续铸造结晶器内腔形状优化设计方案

    An optimization design of the crystallizer internal shape for semi-continuous casting was proposed according to the outside dimension data of the flat ingots.


  • 通过铝合金铸锭外形尺寸实测数据分析,提出一种连续铸造结晶器内腔形状优化设计方案

    An optimization design of the crystallizer internal shape for semi-continuous casting was proposed according to the outside dimension data of the flat ingots.


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