• 相反编写根据中的方法运行所有单元测试用例类。

    Instead, I would write the class that runs all the unit test cases against the methods in the class.


  • 只有少部分实际直接输入单元测试用例中。

    Only a small portion of the actual use case serves as direct input to a unit test case.


  • 第2部分看到如何持续集成服务器运行这些单元测试用例

    In Part 2, you will see how to run these unit test cases in a continuous integration server.


  • 敏捷软件开发极限编程二者均提倡开发源代码之前编写单元测试用例

    Agile software development and extreme programming both promote writing unit test cases before developing the source code.


  • 论文主要研究单元测试框架单元测试用例编写不在论文的讨论范围之内。

    This thesis mainly deals with framework of unit testing and does not concern about writing of the test case.


  • 单元测试中,对象执行环境测试用例本身所以测试设置代码责任直接满足依赖项

    In a unit test case, for example, the execution environment for the object is the test case itself, and the test setup code is tasked with satisfying the dependencies directly.


  • 根据前面简单单元测试,这块代码干净绿色”的——只有真正彻底地测试这块代码的情况下意义。

    So the code is "clean and green," according to my simple unit test casebut that's meaningful only if I'm really testing the code thoroughly.


  • 他们显示了“参与者做什么,他正那些部分发生交互以及哪些参数被通过,”38以及他们测试人员开发单元测试用例有特别重要的作

    They show "what the actor is doing, what components he is interacting with, and what parameters are getting passed," 38 and they are particularly useful to testers developing unit test cases.


  • 清单5清单6中的测试用例第 1部分中的单元测试那样处理每个细节

    The test cases in Listings 5 and 6 do not handle every detail, as the unit tests in Part 1 did.


  • 而言之——团队所有成员都理解测试用例以及单元测试需求分析师测试人员到开发人员

    Simply putTest Cases and Unit Tests that make sense to everyone in the team; from requirements analyst to tester and developer.


  • 运行单元测试确保测试继续找到返回正确对象

    Running unit tests assures that test case code will continue to find and return the correct objects.


  • 只要通过所有测试用例就将单元测试自动添加新的单元测试每次构建时运行

    As long as all the test cases pass, I add the new unit test class to my unit test automation library, which gets run on every build.


  • 步骤运行部署单元测试类似不过 JUnit 测试用例本质不同。

    This step is similar to running pre-deployment unit tests, except for the nature of the JUnit test cases to run.


  • 我们一个自动测试架构可以自动运行单元测试以及功能测试用例无论什么时候创建了的构建它都可自动运行)。

    We had one automated test framework that ran both unit- and feature-level test cases (it ran automatically whenever a build was generated.)


  • 行为驱动开发则更进一步通过使自然语言直接单元测试(以及测试用例)需求联系起来。

    Behavior Driven Development goes further by directly associating unit tests (and test cases) with the requirements via the use of natural language.


  • 通常编写业务需求后,团队成员进行深入的探讨,建立起具体的,由这些用例驱动测试用例单元测试最终代码实现

    Typically the Business requirement is written and the team will drill down to flesh out the use cases that will drive the tests cases, the unit tests and ultimately the implementation code.


  • 运行CSUnit测试用例:CSUnitAddin支持运行一个重要.NET单元测试框架写的单元测试

    Run CSUnit tests: The CSUnitAddin supports running tests from another one of the major .NET test frameworks.


  • helloworld项目中,我们测试文件夹中包括单元测试集成测试两个测试用例

    In the helloworld project, we included two test cases for unit testing and integrated JSF testing in the test folder.


  • 因此可以EJB单元测试重新使基本JUnit测试用例

    Therefore, you can reuse the underlying JUnit test cases for your EJB unit tests.


  • 最新的内容“利RedBar状态重构你的测试”解决了一个常见问题。即一旦单元测试套件变得庞大如何在不破坏测试的前提下进行测试代码的重构呢?

    The latest installment (" Refactoring tests in the Red ") tackles a common problem - once a unit test suite becomes substantial, how can the unit tests.


  • Rails提供了强大的测试框架包括自动化单元测试(模型)、功能测试用例(控制器)和集成测试(多个控制器的端集成)。

    Rails comes with a powerful framework for automating unit tests (for the model), functional test cases (for the controllers), and integration tests (end to end across multiple controllers).


  • 详细探讨了面向对象单元测试、面向对象集成测试和面向对象系统测试测试策略以及相应的测试用设计方法

    Testing strategies of object-oriented unit test, object-oriented integrate test, object-oriented system test and their designing approach of testing data were discussed in detail.


  • 结合目前软件单元测试技术研究现状我们深入研究单元测试文件模块依赖问题测试用例自动生成问题。

    According to the current research status of software unit test problems, we will investigate module dependencies in the source file and the automated test case generation.


  • 单元测试实践基础提出单元测试支持工具的设计方法,工具提供了灵活有效单元测试框架基于该框架的测试用例管理优化方法

    A unit testing supporting tool based on testing practice is presented, which provides a flexible and effective unit testing framework and testing case management and optimization methods.


  • 单元测试实践基础提出单元测试支持工具的设计方法,工具提供了灵活有效单元测试框架基于该框架的测试用例管理优化方法

    A unit testing supporting tool based on testing practice is presented, which provides a flexible and effective unit testing framework and testing case management and optimization methods.


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