• 街角酒吧被强化,产生如同HayesValley中心繁忙单行道感觉

    An emphasis on the corner bays creates a gateway feeling as the busy one-way traffic approaches the heart of Hayes Valley.


  • (道路)双向道路口有单行道车辆相遇必须离开道路方通过的。

    (of roads) having a single lane for traffic in both directions; when vehicles meet one must pull off the road to let the other pass.


  • (道路)在双向的道路口有单行道车辆相遇时一方必须离开道路让另一方通过的。

    Pedestrians and vehicles must, when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk, observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings.


  • 值得注意这些箭头似那些用来单行道的箭头,更象超级市场指示食品部的那种箭头。 因为指示箭头的目的不是禁止用户别处同行,而是仅仅说明用户行动方向

    The user is not prohibited from moving in the opposite direction; the arrow merely indicates the direction in which the user is likely to want to go.


  • 开始的时候,真的感到不安,使单行道向相反的方向,甩掉跟屁虫。

    It really bothered me at first—it made me want to run up one-way streets the wrong way.


  • 因此移植一个典型单行道过程不是同步的;也就是说UML工具导出信息将信息导入另一种UML工具中。

    Migration is therefore typically a one-way process and not a synchronization; i.e., you export information out of one UML tool and import it into another.


  • 癌症解答存在于进化生物学发育生物学癌症生物学交流,这个交流也不会单行道

    It will be in the convergence of evolutionary biology, developmental biology and cancer biology that the answer to cancer will lie. Nor will this confluence be a one-way street.


  • 司机小时七十英里的速度街道飞驶后座上的我们摔来摔去。红灯单行道一路按喇叭

    With us being catapulted around in the back, he then sped off at about 70 miles an hour, tearing through red lights and the wrong way down one-way streets, beeping his horn all the way.


  • 把大量时间花费在更远路线上或者是从单行道掉头回来的路上,不是主干道上高兴地边前进边赚钱

    You spend more time on the long route or reversing than you do chugging happily along the main route making money.


  • 一个巨大网络状环形单行道,建设一系列的公交线路,从而解决堵车问题。

    A series of streetcar lines have also been proposed along with a vast network of bicycle lanes, which will help reduce car traffic.


  • 我们预期相反罗马尼亚渠道后来证明单行道

    Contrary to our expectations, the Romanian channel turned out to be one-way.


  • 为了回应来自30名居民抱怨警方暂时将巴毕克住家周边设为单行道设立禁止停车标志没有阻止参观人潮把车停私人车道上。

    In response to complaints from some 30 residents, police made Babick's block temporarily one-way and put up no-parking signs, but that has not stopped visitors from parking in private driveways.


  • 哥斯达黎加80%进出口尼加拉瓜的大部分进出口,都依赖于单行道和利蒙省破败加勒比港口的小码头

    Some 80% of Costa Rica's exports and imports, and a chunk of Nicaragua's, pass along a single-carriageway road and a modest wharf at the run-down Caribbean port of limon.


  • 所大学里,一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着一有用的工具沿着一条单行道走着。一件平常事

    In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walked along a one-way road with a useful thing. This is a usual thing.


  • 我们继续我们。这次我们单行道上逆行,又闯红灯,朝我们酒店的方向驶去。

    Soon we were on our way, going the wrong way down one-way streets, running red lights, to our hotel.


  • 当然沟通可能单行道信息商业活动中的核心作用使另外两项受到忽视领导力责任更加紧迫

    Of course, communication cannot be a one-way street. The central role of information in business life has made two other much neglected leadership tasks more urgent.


  • 所大学里,有一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着有用的工具沿着一条单行道行走,平常的事。

    In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walk along a one-way road with a usual tool. This is a usual thing. .


  • 一个刚刚学会开车女孩沿着错误方向来到单行道上,并未违章

    A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't break the law.


  • 警察看见一个卡车司机到了错误单行道但是没有注意他。

    A police saw a truck driver going the wrong down a one - way street, but paid no attention to him.


  • 好的程序员这样一类,这类人在横穿单行道要先一下路两边。

    A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.


  • 高架道路单行道大道模型进行修正,增加了由直线斜线高架单行大道的曲线连接组件。

    Elevated Road, One-Way Road and Avenue viaduct models have been revamped, with new orthogonal-to-diagonal curves added to One-Way Road and Avenue viaduct sets.


  • 高架道路单行道大道模型进行修正,增加了由直线斜线高架单行大道的曲线连接组件。

    Elevated Road, One-Way Road and Avenue viaduct models have been revamped, with new orthogonal-to-diagonal curves added to One-Way Road and Avenue viaduct sets.


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