• 本文中,作者博物馆相关几个概念进行了新的探讨

    The author, in this article, makes new explorations on the several basic concepts relating to the museology.


  • 定义区别博物馆学和,并且讨论传统博物馆学到博物馆学的转换

    Define and distinguish between museology and museography, and discuss the shift in ideas from old museology to new museology.


  • 现代博物馆传统博物馆区别。相应地对于陈列设计界定亦是不同的。

    As there is a distinction between modern and traditional museology, so exist different definitions of the term "display design".


  • 本文历史文化名城基点,分析研究了苏州市博物馆群体建设中的博物馆学诸问题

    This artical is on the basis of a famous historical and cultural city, and analyses a series of problems on museology of the museum colony construction in Suzhou.


  • 简单层面来说,所谓的“新”其实是来自博物馆专业外界对“博物馆学的不满

    At the simplest level, I would define it as a state of widespread dissatisfaction with the "old" museology both within and outside the museum profession.


  • 现代博物馆学则以系统整体设计为出发点,要求设计师进行既是形象、又是抽象思维创作

    The modern museology requires designers to do creations in both abstract thinking and thinking in images from the viewpoint of the systematic and overall design.


  • 传统博物馆认为陈列艺术设计只限于陈列品装饰美化,把从事工作称为美工”。

    The traditional museology holds that the design for display art only limits on the decoration and embellishment of the exhibits and the people doing this kind of work are called art designers.


  • 虚拟博物馆虚拟现实技术典型应用,是目前研究的热点问题涉及计算机博物馆学、历史学多个学科

    The virtual museum is a kind of typical application of the virtual reality technology, it is a focus question studied at present, involves a lot of subjects, such as computer, museology, history, etc.


  • 不管喜欢艺术、博物学还是蜡像所在的城市一定这么一个博物馆

    Whether he likes art, natural history, or wax figurines, there is sure to be a museum for him in your city.


  • 迈克尔·瑞安克利夫兰自然历史博物馆古脊椎动物部门负责人,他本月古生物杂志》上对外公布一新发现。

    Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology.


  • 罗马史前时期人种国立博物馆LucaBondioli同事古物杂志描述了他们的研究成果

    Luca Bondioli of the National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnology in Rome and his colleagues described the results of their study in the journal Antiquity.


  • 最后一共发现25副具有梅毒病变特征骨骼”,伦敦博物馆骨骼学专家——BrianConnell告诉DiscoveryNews栏目组。

    "At the end, a total of 25 skeletons with the characteristic changes of syphilis were identified," Brian Connell, the osteologist at the Museum of London who studied the bones, told Discovery News.


  • 由于词源学没有博物馆甚至也没有什么研究中心词典也很少这等细节纠缠在这里说明情况必要的。

    Since there is no museum of etymology or even a center for it and since dictionaries rarely dwell on such details, a post to explain the situation is needed.


  • 对达尔文来说其实好消息因为使时间博物馆请教诸如植物学动物标本剥制术、地质学动物解剖学方面专家

    This was actually good news for Darwin, as it gave him more time to wander around the museums, seeking advice from the various experts in botany, taxidermy, geology and animal anatomy.


  • 这个博物馆陈列许多杰出国际性收藏包括装饰艺术科学工业考古学自然界等,收藏大量相关资料

    This Museum houses the outstanding international collections of Decorative Arts, Science and Industry, Archaeology and the Natural World and contains an extraordinary range of material.


  • 比如生物学高级班学生需要长途跋涉纽约州奥兰吉森林测量厚度经常出入自然历史博物馆

    Advanced biology students, for example, trekked tothe Black Rock Forest, in Orange County, N.Y., to measure snow depth, andfrequented the Museum of Natural History.


  • 为了实现恐怖逼真的效果,凯迪·瓦特花了大量时间研究解剖学参观了法医博物馆同时努力改善面包口感

    In order to make them realistic, Kittiwat spent many hours studying anatomy and visiting forensic museums. At the same time, he found it important to make his bread delicious as well.


  • 这些技术使得传统分类学被废弃并且许多博物馆收藏忽略或者被遗弃了

    Some thought that this made traditional taxonomy obsolete, and many museum collections were neglected or disbanded.


  • ,“最后白炽灯博物馆电子学真空管那样。”

    "Ultimately, incandescent light bulbs will end up in a museum, just like vacuum tubes did for electronics," he says.


  • 周二发表在《现代生物学》上的一份研究报告中,研究人员通过五个博物馆标本所做遗传分析来解决这些问题

    In a study published Tuesday in Current Biology, researchers address these questions with a genetic analysis of five museum specimens.


  • 最后完成是因为一个rubin喜马拉雅艺术博物馆有关的关于比较宇宙学展览合作项目

    And it was done as a collaborative project with the Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art for an exhibit on comparative cosmology.


  • 迈克尔瑞安克利夫兰自然历史博物馆古脊椎动物部门负责人,他本月的古生物学杂志上对外公布一新发现。

    Michael ryan , curator of vertebrate paleontology for the cleveland museum of natural history , published the discovery in this month ' s journal of paleontology.


  • LarryJ .Zimmerman哲学博士人类学博物馆研究教授印第安纳大学与普渡大学印第安纳波里斯联合分校文科

    Larry J. Zimmerman, Ph.D., RPA: professor of anthropology and museum studies, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis School of Liberal arts.


  • 莉莉大学学的就是历史学能有一天去中国博物馆看看我的梦想。

    Lily: Well, history is my major in college. And it is my dream to visit the Chinese museums someday.


  • 民族博物馆成立于1872年,它匈牙利重要民族科学欧洲民族学人类文化学机构

    The Museum of Ethnography was established in 1872 and is the foremost institution of ethnographic science, European ethnology and cultural anthropology in Hungary.


  • 今天在为海洋考古学服务,里面有海洋博物馆

    Today it houses the Musée de la Mer, devoted to marine archaeology .


  • 建筑学设计建造房屋博物馆和办公楼等建筑物艺术和科学

    Architecture is the art and science of designing and building structures such as houses, museums, and office buildings.


  • 也是其中国家世界顶面艺术中心许多博物馆一些引人入胜建筑学

    It is also a national and world top arts center, with many museums and some fascinating architecture.


  • 也是其中国家世界顶面艺术中心许多博物馆一些引人入胜建筑学

    It is also a national and world top arts center, with many museums and some fascinating architecture.


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