• 男性占主导法庭上,会有多少法官妇女问题敏感呢?

    How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women's issues?


  • 可再生能源全球主要能源消耗一小部分化石能源仍然主导地位——煤炭石油30%,天然气25%。

    Renewables account for only a small share of global primary energy consumption, which is still dominated by fossil fuels—30% each for coal and oil, 25% for natural gas.


  • 其中主导因素的是以前文化因素。

    Among those factors, the one from the former culture occupies the leading position.


  • 运动竞赛占主导优势

    The sporting rivalry prevails.


  • 主导地位出口品肉,出口收入三分之二

    The leading export is the coconut product copra, which accounts for about two-thirds of export revenue.


  • 一方面分析了外控型教研制度长期主导原因

    One is the reason why external-control teaching research system plays a leading role for a long time.


  • 本周一三军情报局官员高兴地提出,“理智占主导的”。

    But an ISI officer this week happily suggested that "sanity is prevailing".


  • 现在号召要有远见内在神圣秩序发掘释放开始主导

    Vision is now called upon that the unearthing and unleashing of divine order within begins its reign.


  • 1975年画了一幅神鸟》,画面中占主导的是只和平鸽

    In 1975, he painted "Bird God," which portrays two peace doves as the main composition.


  • 之后会出现核力主导作用的短效应,进而,原子聚合成为氦

    This allows a short-range phenomenon called the strong nuclear force to take over and causes the nuclei to merge and form helium.


  • 石油天然气提供卡塔尔大约80%人均GDP西方欧洲工业国家主导

    Oil and gas have given Qatar a per capita GDP about 80% of that of the leading West European industrial countries.


  • 过程粘塑性变形主导,因而其三轴蠕变曲线没有出现渐进流动阶段

    Because of the dominance of viscoplastic deformation in the creep process, creep curves under triaxial compression behave without the third phase of atypical creep curve, viz.


  • 历经九品中正选官体制占主导魏晋南北朝,郎官完成两种趋势演变

    Through Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties , Langguan completed the evolution of the two trends.


  • 如果这种主张占主导,到头来,新加坡成为社会双语政策名存实亡。

    If such a view were to prevail, Singapore would eventually become a monolingual society and the bilingual policy would exist only in name.


  • SAP能跻身美国公司主导IT行业顶级队列,相当重要的原因霍普先生管理技巧

    SAP made it into the top league of the information-technology (IT) industry, which is dominated by American firms, not least because of Mr Hopp’s management skills.


  • 强有力证明CDMA2000能力有线电话宽带数据业务主导新兴市场胜出。

    This is a strong testimonial to CDMA2000's ability to excel in emerging markets underserved by wireline telephony and broadband data services.


  • 希望选择的受教育途径以医务人员讲座(49.9%)、个别教育(31.5%)占主导

    The most popular health education method was medical workers'lecture(49.9%). The second one was individual education(31.5%).


  • 但是人们耐心是限度的;普通公民迟早挑战那些占主导理智要求一个更加完整解释

    But people's patience has limits; sooner or later ordinary citizens will challenge the prevailing wisdom and demand a fuller account.


  • 量词研究起步较由于语法形式简单形式语法占主导的地位时期,也一直不被重视。

    Study on classifier began comparingly late, and been ignored for its simple form during the period of formal grammar.


  • 根据最近发布调查表明康师傅中国方便面市场占主导地位这个牌子国家销售额70%。

    According to the survey released recently, Master Kong holds a dominant position in China's instant noodle market, with nearly 70 percent of pot noodles sold in the country by this brand.


  • 这种方式认为思考权利正义等问题,就要看看过去所有群体、所有时代里都主导的是什么价值标准

    That's the way that says, to think about rights, to think about justice, look to the values that happened to prevail in any given community at any given time.


  • 随着应用领域不断扩大移动通信服务正由单纯的语音通信占主导,逐步转向语音通信数据通信齐头并进。

    With the expanding of its application fields, mobile data service will play a more and more important role in all mobile communication service.


  • 虽然白人盎格鲁撒克逊社会文化模式主导,可美国文化其实还是融入非洲传统欧洲起源多元文化

    Although dominated by white, Anglo - Saxon sociocultural patterns, American culture is in fact a tapestry woven of diverse and African traditions as well as those of European origin.


  • 虽然白人盎格鲁撒克逊人社会文化模式主导,可美国文化其实还是融入了非洲传统欧洲起源多元文化。

    Although dominated by white, Anglo-Saxon sociocultural patterns, American culture is in fact a tapestry woven of diverse and African traditions as well as those of European origin.


  • 可口可乐中国闻名国际品牌之一中国软饮料市场主导位置,系列产物中国市场上最受欢送软饮料。

    Coca-Cola is one of the most famous international brands in China as a dominant product in Chinese soft drinks market and the series of products are the most popular in the market.


  • 金融危机占主导制度两个重要反常现象:新兴市场国家中国储蓄太多另外一个是成熟国家美国储蓄太少。

    The regime that prevailed before the financial crisis had two important aberrations. One is that an emerging country-china-saved too much; the other is that a mature country-the us-saved too little.


  • 最新的官方数据表现啤酒加拿大酒精饮料市场中仍占主导职位,但市场份额逐渐降落,而葡萄酒市场份额则一连增添。

    ABSTRACT: The wine category continued to grow its market share in Canada last year as sales outpaced a flat beer market, latest official figures have revealed.


  • 当今社会已进入个以视觉文化主导时代,“视觉”图像”的转向问题已成为继“语言学的转向”之后又一个热门话题

    We are currently in The Times when visual culture gain its domination, and the visual and image turn is another hot topic after academic discussion on linguistics turn.


  • 当今社会已进入个以视觉文化主导时代,“视觉”图像”的转向问题已成为继“语言学的转向”之后又一个热门话题

    We are currently in The Times when visual culture gain its domination, and the visual and image turn is another hot topic after academic discussion on linguistics turn.


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