• 现在很多餐馆里也有卡路里的菜品供应。

    Many restaurants now have low calorie menus.


  • 葡萄柚独特的“枸成份使新陈代谢顺畅卡路里,含却是水果中的几名。

    Six, grapefruit: unique "i. Chuan acid" ingredients, make more metabolically smooth, calories low, k content is at the top of the fruit.


  • ,也就是对照组每天摄入5060蛋白质,其应用典型卡路里饮食模式。

    The other group—the control groupwas put on a typical low-calorie diet with about 50 to 60 grams of protein a day.


  • 然而它们其他猴子必须跟踪长的时间,了解卡路里摄入是否可以延长猴子的平均寿命和最长寿命。

    They and the other monkeys must be followed still longer, however, to know whether low-calorie intake can increase both average and maximum lifespans in monkeys.


  • 我说,“冷冻酸奶卡路里含量次吃也不起作用啊

    Frozen yogurt may be low in calories but not if you eat five tubs of it.


  • 加上白糖香料糖浆奶油可以一杯本来脂、基本没有卡路里饮料变成一杯冰激凌苏打饮料

    Loading up with sugar, flavored syrup and whipped cream can turn a no-fat, almost no-calorie drink into the equivalent of an ice-cream soda.


  • 是的他们卡路里脂肪含量薯条他们实在不是什么健康的方便食品

    Sure, they’re lower in calories and fat compared to chips, but they really are not a healthful snack.


  • 项调查显示,每五人中就会有一个尝试在一个之中开始节食减肥有超过三分之一的人会在购物的时候选择卡路里食物

    Around one in five of us start a diet at least once a month and more than a third shop for low-calorie food, according to a study.


  • 不过听众本月早些时候聚集曼谷营养学方面的学究们)并没有注意力聚焦于饥饿者身上,即在通常意义上卡路里摄入量

    But his listeners, a gathering of nutrition wonks in Bangkok earlier this month, did not focus on the hungry, in the usual sense of people whose intake of calories is low.


  • 咖啡本身具有相当卡路里人们总爱它里面添加各种各样的东西而且一杯连着一杯不停地

    Coffee itself is pretty low in calories, but it's all the stuff people put in them that start to add up. And they keep drinking cup after cup.


  • 而即使是那些帖了脱脂标签,它们中的大多数所含有脂肪几乎冰淇淋差不多,所含的卡路里相当。

    Unless labeled fat-free, many frozen yogurts contain nearly the same amount of fat as a reduced-fat ice cream, as well as the same number of calories.


  • 十多年以来科学家已经了解到,卡路里饮食能够延长很多生物的寿命,包括酵母菌果蝇猴子可能还包括人类

    For more than a decade, scientists have known that a low-calorie diet lengthens the lives of many organisms, including yeast, fruit flies, monkeys, and perhaps humans.


  • 个月时,所有参加者体重都有所减轻,但是采用替代少年得更多BMI(体重指数)降了超过6.3%,而卡路里的BMI则降了3.8%。

    At the four-month mark, all participants had lost weight, but the teens on meal replacements lost more - a 6.3% reduction in body mass index (BMI) versus 3.8% for the low-calorie group.


  • 如果狗吃蔬菜,比吃肉的可以大一些。因为蔬菜卡路里食品

    "If you're giving your dog vegetables, you can give a lot more in volume," because these are low-calorie foods.


  • 尽管各方面卡路里餐馆食物往往含有非常盐,是高血压一个主要原因

    Even when items are low-fat or low-calories, restaurant food tends to be very high in sodiuma major cause of high blood pressure.


  • 葡萄能量密度一杯葡萄含大约104卡路里

    Grapes have a low energy density - 1 cup of grapes has about 104 calories.


  • 委内瑞拉内分泌学家说妇女600卡路里早餐(其中包括巧克力)碳水化合物膳食容易瘦身

    According to endocrinologists in Venezuela, women who ate a 600-calorie breakfast, which included a piece of chocolate, lost more weight than those on a low-carb diet.


  • 比萨商品一个卡路里高脂肪高钠营养的食物

    Commercial pizza is now a high-calorie, high-fat, high-sodium, low-nutrient food.


  • 食物脂肪卡路里营养content .垃圾食物。

    Foods that are high in salt, sugar, fat or calories and low nutrient content. are junk foods.


  • 肥胖:《预防》杂志健美栏目编辑Michele Stanten:“能够一天之中卡路里帮助很多保持足够状态进而远离小吃。”

    Obesity. Reaching for calorie-free glasses of water throughout the day helps many people stay filled up enough to pass on snacks, says Prevention Fitness Editor Michele Stanten.


  • 研究人员白鼠试验片中使用奥利·斯特拉油(Olestra,一种油脂代用品,不含胆固醇,卡路里),发现其它脂肪食品一起食用时,会导致体重增加。

    While conducting experiments using the low-calorie food substitute Olestra in potato chips, researchers found the substitute resulted in weight gain when consumed with other high-fat foods in mice.


  • 如果需要医疗手术之前快速重量,或是你的肥胖导致严重健康问题医生也许会推荐卡路里饮食

    Your doctor may recommend a very low calorie diet if you need to lose weight quickly before a medical procedure or if you have serious health problems because of obesity.


  • 而且许多纤维素食物卡路里所以可以热量食物来满足饥饿感全麦蔬菜水果都是高纤维素的来源

    Also, many high-fiber foods are low in calories, so you can satisfy your hunger with fewer calories. Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are great sources of fiber.


  • 许多其他日本食物寿司是倾向脂肪胆固醇卡路里的。

    Like many other Japanese foods, sushi tends to be low in fat, cholesterol, and calories.


  • 葡萄柚追随者半个葡萄柚或者葡萄卡路里高蛋白套餐

    Followers of the grapefruit diet eat half a grapefruit or a serving of grapefruit juice with every low-calorie, high-protein meal.


  • 通过提供诸如沙拉卡路里三明治等健康选择它们至少人一种肥胖斗争而事情印象

    By providing healthy options, like salads and low-calorie sandwiches, they have at least given the impression of doing something about helping to fight obesity.


  • 虽然卡路里甜味佐料打开了一个急于通过减肥更好人群巨大市场与健康有关,而这不具有同样市场潜力

    While low-calorie sweeteners opened a huge market of people eager to look better by losing weight, he said, salt is only a health concern, which does not have the same market potential.


  • 虽然卡路里甜味佐料打开了一个急于通过减肥更好人群巨大市场与健康有关,而这不具有同样市场潜力

    While low-calorie sweeteners opened a huge market of people eager to look better by losing weight, he said, salt is only a health concern, which does not have the same market potential.


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