And the messages being pumped into the airwaves by satellite television stations are by no means all congenial to the West.
They have to keep the cable and satellite providers happy because for now, that's where the money is.
Qatar-based Al-Jazeera satellite television was also criticized when it broadcast the same imagers around the world.
The country at present in the cable TV network to TV fee at the same time, the satellite stations all over to charge a fee for.
"Zhongxing 9" business model is to collect all over a satellite television station satellite bandwidth costs, and the sale to the TV audience is free.
The Al Jazeera satellite channel, which has helped stir protests in other countries, has begun to air news of the unrest in Deraa. That may give the protesters across the country a fillip.
"Some small satellite TV stations had tried to copy the show before, but none were successful because they only copied the face, not the mind-and especially not the heart, " Jin said.
An online poll run by the passionately pro-Palestinian al-Jazeera satellite channel claimed that some 90% of respondents reject Egypt as a mediator, because of its perceived bias against Palestinians.
Public broadcasters levy a compulsory fee, but relatively few people pay cable or satellite broadcasters for extra channels.
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