Last night, I saw an Indian movie which is called Three Idiots, the movie mocks at the Indian education.
India's education and health system is a disgrace, especially in rural areas; Bangladesh does a much better job, despite being poorer.
In 2007, Indonesia started phasing in a program that gives money to its poorest residents under certain conditions, such as requiring people to keep kids in school or get regular medical care.
We-and by "we" I do not mean only we in India but all the world-have neglected women education.
But improving infrastructure and education not only takes time, it also requires money, and India's fiscal finances are far from healthy.
The announcement comes as Australia battles to fix its reputation in the overseas education sector which has been damaged by a string of attacks on Indian students.
In India's election this year voters were able to use their handsets to call up information about candidates, such as their educational background and any criminal charges they might be facing.
To produce a globally-competitive workforce, India needs more than just world-class educational institutions: it needs to fundamentally reform its education system.
In a fresh blow to Australia's overseas education industry, a minister has gained wide publicity in the Indian media after saying Indians should not go to Australia for studies.
Indonesia and Mali have begun wide communication campaigns to educate the general public on the dangers of counterfeits and to dissuade people seeking treatment from buying on the black market.
India's literacy rate is rising, thanks in part to a surge in cheap private schools for the poor, but it is still far behind China's.
Besides, permission also should be given to the set-up of profit-making schools (No profit-making schools are allowed in India).
Indeed, because of India's historic underinvestment in education, many are not obviously skilled at anything.
Another study discovered that, as cable television spread, the fertility rate in rural India dropped by as much as if women had received five additional years of education.
In retrospect, I question just how good our schools were if "dot heads" was the best racist insult we could come up with for a group of people whose gods have multiple arms and an elephant nose.
Countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia still rely on entrepreneurial, technological, and educational engagement with the U.S. for that.
But the flip side of diverting a big chunk of the education budget to create and run sophisticated universities is that millions of Indians have been left without basic education.
On the supply side, there was an army of well trained, English-speaking engineers demanding only a fraction of a Western salary.
Despite recent efforts to boost the number and quality of its universities, it lags well behind China.
Only 74% of Indian men and 48% of Indian women are literate, compared to 96% (men) and 88% (women) in China.
But there are worries that brisk economic growth may not be enough to address problems such as lack of access to schooling and health care for millions of Indians.
But there are worries that brisk economic growth may not be enough to address problems such as lack of access to schooling and health care for millions of Indians.