Objective To evaluate the effect of HACCP (hazard analyse and critical control point) on the quality of barrel purified drinking water produced in Luoyang.
To establish the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system for the production of packed meal.
On the basis of the GMP and hazard analysis, the soybean soaking, high temperature heating, super high temperature sterilization, packing and cold storage were determined as the critical points.
Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) to evaluate water quality security of fine drinking water is introduced.
It's elaborated how to conduct hazard analysis and confirm critical control points for all the processes in the production of mineral water.
Objective To analysis and identify the potential risk and harm of the vacination, by using the principle of HACCP, and to ensure safe vaccination.
Methods the critical control points were determined by the analysis of hazards during the processing of fast box food.
Objective To identify and analyze occupational hazard for cement grinding process, and confirm critical control points.
This paper has reported the application of HACCP system in sweet sauce made of fermented flour product.
The rule of hazard analysis and critical control point(HACCP) was used in the research program. Field researches of technological process and working environment in coal-cleaning plants were surveyed.
This paper had reported the application of HACCP system in ferment dairy products.
运用 危害 分析及关键控制点(HACCP)原理对方便面调味酱包生产过程进行了 危害 分析及关键控制。
The hazard analysis and critical control points(HACCP) approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of instant noodle sauce.
运用 危害 分析及关键控制点(HACCP)原理对方便面调味酱包生产过程进行了 危害 分析及关键控制。
The hazard analysis and critical control points(HACCP) approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of instant noodle sauce.