Then one day in a moment of great crisis I came to understand the words of my father.
The idea of testing banks’ ability to withstand various scary scenarios is a sensible one.
However, a situation arises that will demand the two work together under the most dire of circumstances.
The matter will come to a head at the full moon March 10, possibly plus four days.
The so-called detriment of stress is the psychological interpretation you place on critical situations, not the stress itself.
Rafael Benitez believes Fernando Torres is closing in on top form just in time for the crucial run-in to the end of the season.
With so much at stake, it is clearly in our nation's best interests to improve the teaching and learning of Astro 101.
There is too much at stake, right now, in our turbulent and tottering world, to make the same mistakes yet again.
This office, I think, reminds you of what's at stake, how many hopes and dreams are placed in what goes on here at the White House.
Sacrifice themselves to save others, a lot of people at stake can not be done, or should hesitate before you do it.
As Mr Medvedev's letter to Mr Yushchenko shows, he fits in with the Kremlin's policy of confrontation and the search for enemies, particularly at times of crisis.
In your team and the difficulties we are facing critical juncture, the time is psychological endurance weakest and the most vulnerable to uncontrolled emotional time.
Computers match people in some roles, and when fast decisions are needed in a crisis, they often outclass them.
I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.
It is unlikely that Britain's energy situation will ever be as dire as South Africa's, but that this should even need saying shows how disastrous things are.
We feel that there's something human at stake in every episode, whether it's the choice to die or the decision to leave someone behind when you think you can't save them.
We feel that there's something human at stake in every episode, whether it's the choice to die or the decision to leave someone behind when you think you can't save them.