China-Latin America cooperation is facing unprecedented historical opportunities.
At present, Guangxi is facing an unprecedented historical opportunity.
As I said in my earlier remarks, I think this is a moment of historic opportunity for Africa.
Let us make full use of the historic opportunity we have now to meet this double need.
Speaking strictly for the Huangnan autonomic prefecture, this is a distinct historical opportunity.
Moreover, we need to seize the historic opportunities presented by technological breakthroughs for global economic growth.
Transparency is an essential objective, but historic opportunities for building a more peaceful international order have imperatives as well.
Hosting Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a historical opportunity for China, for Shanghai, and for the cause of World Exposition.
Facing this historic opportunity and challenge, the traditional agricultural structure and the management system of Gansu are encountering severe trials.
The globalization is regarded as a historic opportunity for China's economy, but for China's media industry it is a great challenge.
Officially created by the United Nations General Assembly in March 2010, the Decade is an historic opportunity to increase action to save millions of lives over ten years.
In 2008, the 29th session of summer Olympics games will conduct in Beijing, this will also be Chinese Enterprise demonstrates own image comprehensively to the world the historical opportunity.
因此,我呼吁各捐助方利用这一历史性机遇,帮助提供资金,来全面实施新的2010- 2012年消灭脊灰战略计划。
I therefore call on donors to capitalize on this historic opportunity, and help fund the full implementation of the new polio eradication strategic plan for 2010-2012.
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, and other sporting events held in China, has provided a historic opportunity for China's enterprises enhancing brand value.
The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation.
EU enlargement is a historic event which provides opportunities and challenges to both Europe and the rest of the world.
The western area tourism massive development is a challenge and a historic opportunity to the eastern area tourism.
Joins WTO, to the China automobile industry is the historical opportunity.
He says that he saw China "entering into an historic period" of growth and opportunity in which the demand for affordable transport would soar.
对于那些渴望长久性职业、愿和公司共同成长、建设美好明天的求职者,这是一个历史性的时刻, 也将是一个难得的机遇和挑战。
This is a historic moment and an excellent time, for those who aspire for a long term career, to start with the company the beginning and grow together to build a bright tomorrow.
对于那些渴望长久性职业、愿和公司共同成长、建设美好明天的求职者,这是一个历史性的时刻, 也将是一个难得的机遇和挑战。
This is a historic moment and an excellent time, for those who aspire for a long term career, to start with the company the beginning and grow together to build a bright tomorrow.