Well, if I silly I engineer madly in love dawn eager, eager'd kpracticaling I engineer lying…
All the weapons in the museum discharged at once could not have more violently set in motion the sound waves.
I had entered three recipes, and remarkably, I was chosen as a finalist out of thousands of 3 entries.
His back ached badly, and he noticed with dismay that his paws were beginning to get all crinkly.
Tom said with genuine anguish, "I crave your indulgence; my nose itcheth cruelly."
Amazing China not only helps us learn more about our country but also makes us proud of her.
The flower was very sick—almost dying, so Jim carefully dug up the flower, with roots, soil and everything.
By the time I got home they had frayed so much they resembled two small sheep, but I wore them faithfully for two months until I had to scrub up for a party in Venice.
Yet they've done just that, and the new study suggests that they've been even more successful than scientists imagined.
When Cethru saw that all eyes were turned on him, he shivered still more violently, fixing his fascinated gaze on the three Judges in their emerald robes.
I have been told that I have a significant limp, which I denied for a few days but now I can clearly feel my body rocking more to the right and my right foot curving in more as I stagger forward.
Former patients, writing online, claim the shocks, some severe, were administered continuously.
Sometimes you feel that it's enveloping you too tightly it's smothering you and you want to Pierce it with a pin no matter what... Even if a tiny hole opens! At least you could breathe a bit then.
Commercial software such as Microsoft Word is widely pirated in many parts of the world, by Catholics as well as others.
The deer is shaking so hard it can barely speak, but manages to stammer: Oh great tiger, you are by far the mightiest animal in the jungle.
At first I was… worried about releasing a solo album, but I was fortunate enough to meet a lot of great people .
"She would be very much annoyed, " he said to himself, "if she should see that… she would cough most dreadfully, and she would pretend that she was dying, to avoid being laughed at.
What powerful people I have not seen, "Woods with two pairs of steel teeth up and down to knock out a few times, said, "Who can challenge my steel teeth!
Since a hold of him trembling in the cold, but still felt since a bitterly cold.
He gingerly touched his right ankle; it was swelling massively.
Patient: I have had it on and off for the past three years. It's just gotten much worse these past two weeks.
Ironically, the biggest bone of contention there is between two stalwart Allies, the United States and Canada.
It was such a game as I had often played at home about the rocks of Black Hill Cove, but never before, you may be sure, with such a wildly beating heart as now.
The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.
Because in temperate regions, the influenza virus fares best when the weather is dry.
Because in temperate regions, the influenza virus fares best when the weather is dry.