• 令人厌倦时间慢慢地过去了;他们了一觉,醒来饥肠辘辘悲痛欲绝

    The weary time dragged on; they slept again, and awoke famished and woe-stricken.


  • 何处理那些堆在卧室地板上的非常好但你可能有点厌倦的衣服呢?

    What to do with all those perfectly-good-but-you're-maybe-a-little-sick-of-them clothes piled on your bedroom floor?


  • 你们令人厌倦市场观念我们眩目晕。

    Your tired notions of "the market" make our eyes glaze over.


  • 值得信赖透明度超过令人厌倦的跟踪机制

    Trustworthy Transparency over Tiresome traceability.


  • 一个人总是追逐新的女人便会厌倦,这会变得机械起来。

    One gets tired of chasing after new cunts all the time. It gets mechanical.


  • 但是这不意味着每天必须穿着同样老气已经厌倦衣服

    But still, that doesn't mean that you have to stick to the same old boring dull clothing everyday.


  • 蕃茄意大利面对来说,让我每个厌倦味道浓烈了。

    but the tomato paste tends to taste of too much zing and tang for me to eat it every week without feeling bored.


  • 前妻社交圈子都我们共同朋友业务往来的人,上周末则是令人厌倦狂欢。

    When my ex-wife and I socialised it was with mutual friends or business contacts, and last weekend was an orgy of boredom.


  • 过度活跃常常对付厌倦办法,害怕自己会慢下来确实是你要面临一种恐惧

    Hyperactivity is often a defense against boredom, and the fear of slowing down is really a fear of confronting yourself.


  • Ford说:“至今已经200多年过去了,一直是那个被人们所厌倦中年女性。”

    "She's a woman who has been middle-aged for 200 years and is fed up," Mr. Ford said.


  • 如果总是局限某一个领域,每天做着同样事情,伴随而来的恐怕就不是创造力而是消极厌倦情绪。

    Create the same thing in the same way everyday and your creations will match how bored you are.


  • 课堂上对于叙事回归——消极被动的接受替代积极深入参与——像是无聊厌倦催化剂。

    A return to narrative in the classroom - to passive consumption instead of active critical engagement - is more likely to be a recipe for boredom and disaffection.


  • 打呵欠不仅疲劳厌倦信号——根据科学家的最新发现还是人体用来自动调节大脑温度一种手段

    Yawning is not just a sign of tiredness or boredom - it is the body's method of keeping our brain cool, scientists have found.


  • 即便欧洲能够成功提交这份计划,它能否在早已救助心生厌倦的欧洲民众新一轮投票中获得通过个问题。

    And even if they are successful, there is doubt as to whether such a plan could withstand another round of voting by the bailout-fatigued European populace.


  • 很多针对一时期放射性碳年代测定精确范围都存在争议,”阿米哈伊·玛扎尔着便有些厌倦的起来。

    "Many of the radiocarbon dates for this period cover exactly the range that's under debate," Amihai Mazar says, chuckling wearily.


  • 当曾经人们用来逃避令人厌倦生活现实体育变成准确反映生活虚幻无聊的一面镜子,以上这些不过是特例而已。

    These were the exceptions as sport, once an escape from life's tiresome realities, became a more accurate mirror of its vanities and illusions.


  • 西山的确生活在Ebi阴影之中但是就算接着看十年这样的打扮——粉色衬衫——也不会觉得厌倦的

    Sure, Nishiyama is clearly living under Ebi's shadow, but it's good to see brown hair, bright makeup and pink clothes continue to march into a new decade.


  • 若是在一年前不得不定义数据绑定什么深入复杂概念,这是一项令人厌倦工作,通常要花费篇幅

    Just a short year ago, that would have led me to define what data binding is, go into the concepts involved, and generally be boring for several pages worth of article text.


  • 一位妻子厌倦时候,他引诱前往存放财宝房间仔细打量他的财富时,他就这个房间里,直到她死去

    When he got tired of one he would lure her to his treasure room and while she looked at his wealth he would lock her in and leave her to die.


  • 作为部电影的关键点,故事里的女主人公一个十几岁小女孩梦想着摆脱那令人厌倦的生活,去追逐繁华和浪漫法国文化

    The movie features, as its heroine, a teenage girl who dreams of getting out, who wants glory and glamour, who wants to speak French, dress in black and immerse herself in culture.


  • 儿子傻笑了一下,厌倦了摇头,我们以前就谈论过这个话题好多次低下转动着眼珠的充满母性的劝解成了耳旁风

    He smirked and shook his head with boredom, we talked this many times before, he lowed his head and rolled his eyes, I knew my panic and maternal words were fall of his deaf ears again.


  • 游泳天才菲尔普斯教练鲍曼曾经被问及为什么菲尔普斯做令人厌倦的长距离游泳训练?长距离游泳正是其他竞争对手训练的一部分

    Bob Bowman, longtime coach of swimming phenom Michael Phelps, was once asked why Phelps did not swim the languorous distance sets that were part of some other competitors' regimens.


  • 这些歌词表达我们北京真实感受说道,“一个永远不会厌倦地方——相反我们时间越久感觉新奇开心。”

    "The lyrics express our true feeling about Beijing, " Kaifel said, "It`s a place I`ve never gotten sick of – on the contrary, the longer we stay the newer and more exciting it gets."


  • 但是所有关于无意识寻找爱人这些理论,什么女人她们父亲一样的男人结婚,男人她们母亲一般的女人等等,上去都是过时的让厌倦精神分析理论,吧?

    But all this stuff of the unconscious looking for love, women marrying men that are like their father, men finding women like their mother, sounds like tired, old psychoanalytic theory, yes?


  • 身边每一个人都尽力表现得彬彬有礼,可以看出他们厌倦

    Everyone around him was trying to be polite, but you could tell they were all bored.


  • 商人政客贬低经济行为感到厌倦

    Businessmen are tired of politicians talking the economy down.


  • 厌倦了没完没了风流韵事渴望安定下来

    He was tired of the merry-go-round of romance and longed to settle down.


  • 永远不会厌倦关心。

    But she will never be tired of caring about you.


  • 永远不会厌倦关心。

    But she will never be tired of caring about you.


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