• 纪念碑博物馆厌烦透了

    Monuments and museums bore him to tears.


  • 厌烦小肚鸡肠忌妒。

    I'm tired of her petty jealousies.


  • 学生们很快便连串史实厌烦起来。

    Students soon grow weary of listening to a parade of historical facts.


  • 反正他们没有厌烦

    Well, at least they weren't bored.


  • 厌烦所有这些猜测

    I am tired of all the speculation.


  • 厌烦历史—尽是些年代啦战争啦什么的

    I'm bored by historydates and battles and all that stuff.


  • 明星们也厌烦自己打扮起来去领奖

    Even the stars get tired of gussying up for the awards.


  • 舒尔曼有点厌烦全女子团队中的叽叽喳喳声。

    Schulman is a little tired of the hoo-ha about the all-women team.


  • 安娜试图装出感兴趣样子。实际上厌烦透了

    Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff.


  • 任何领域的痴迷者们无一例外地他们的癖好一样令人厌烦

    Obsessives, in any area, are invariably as boring as their hobbies.


  • 他们造访之余,讲些乏味琐事让他们厌烦不已,我则私下窃喜。

    I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details.


  • 上的所有这些都使感到厌烦

    He bores me with all these lectures.


  • 这两实在是令人厌烦科目

    They're both really boring subjects.


  • 穿脏衣服有一大堆,真的太太厌烦了。

    Uses up a power of shirts, it does, till my missus is fair tired of washing of 'em.


  • 复一年地孩子们同样东西不会感到厌烦吗?

    Wouldn't you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to children?


  • 国王不耐烦:“不要再胡闹—你真让厌烦!”

    The King said, impatiently, "Have done with this follyyou weary me!"


  • 他对件事已经厌烦了,所以他经常是否作业

    He says he's bored with the whole thing, so he often asks me whether I'll let him copy my homework.


  • 没有证据表明,假设叫别人名字的人感到沮丧、厌烦愤怒,叫错名字次数会变得更多

    There was no evidence that errors occurred more when the misnamer was frustrated, tired or angry.


  • 开启了舞蹈生涯,不是因为自己跳舞,而是因为我妈妈厌烦看到放学无所事事到处晃悠

    My dancing life began not because I wanted to do it, but because my mother was sick and tired of seeing me running around after school doing nothing.


  • "另一种可能的方案就是改善运动场环境这样学生因为厌烦或者挫败感而诱导去欺负别人的可能性就更小

    Another possibility is to improve the playground environment, so that pupils are less likely to be led into bullying from boredom or frustration.


  • 厌烦驾车带孩子们到处去

    I've had enough of driving the kids around.


  • 哈维扔下了厌烦地嘟哝着。

    Harvey grunted disgustedly as he tossed in his cards.


  • 厌烦挥手他们打发走了

    He waved them away with an impatient gesture.


  • 秘书不停地更换,令人厌烦

    New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.


  • 未来需要,真是让人厌烦

    The prospect of studying for another five years was distinctly unappealing.


  • 总的来说,”若有所思地说,“‘组织严密的教会’厌烦。”

    "As a whole," she muses, "the `organized church' turns me off."


  • 多的抱怨只会让听众厌烦

    Too many complaints will bore your audience.


  • 据 Pets Are for Life,为什么人们会对他们的宠物感到厌烦

    Why do people get bored with their pets according to Pets are for life?


  • 当学生遇到问题时,它都会非常耐心地帮助他们,而且从不感到厌烦

    Whenever students have problems, it helps them very patiently and never gets bored.


  • 对我的工作很厌烦,我经常对我的老板以及他总是对我呼来唤去的行为感到很生气。

    I was bored with my job, and I used to get really angry at my boss and the way he used to order me around all the time.


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