The data it gathered, like much of the information all space telescopes collect, was initially recorded and banked, awaiting the time astronomers could break it down and analyze it.
The committee found that the scientists committed nothing close to fraud.It showed that the data needed to reconstruct CRU's temperature records were widely available.
His account is the most revealing so far about his decision to block repeated requests from people demanding to see raw data behind records showing an unprecedented warming in the late 20th Century.
The NCDC believes, on the basis of preliminary data and in a way that Mr Watts disputes, that the evidence for poor siting does not affect the overall trends in the surface record.
要做到这一点,可以收集原始数据并人工处理它,也可以使用内置的PD H日志记录函数。
This can be done by either collecting the raw data and processing it manually, or by using the built-in PDH logging functions.
The uncertainty arises mainly because weather stations were never intended to provide a climatic record.
In the above example, verbose mode has also been switched-this ensures that the full contents of the raw packets are recorded, instead of just the summary information that snoop provides by default.
GUI includes interface for data inquiry, interface for PLC's new parameters addition and interface for PLC's control.
The committee found that the scientists committed nothing close to fraud. It showed that the data needed to reconstruct CRU's temperature records were widely available.
Actually such differences bring a series of problems, such as, differences of data structure, empty value data, illegal data, and repeated records, etc. when we need to use the primary data in audit.
It has two tables for all the raw data that is the records (one for each mode), and two corresponding tables that analyze the two tables of raw data (still, one for each mode).
It has two tables for all the raw data that is the records (one for each mode), and two corresponding tables that analyze the two tables of raw data (still, one for each mode).