Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.
If there were not the day and night, were not the time hours, mankind would return to the primitive society.
Its first sprout can trace back to the altar and the temple of the gods in primitive society.
In primitive society, the private remedy is the unique way for crime victim to relieve the rights.
In the ancient society, our ancestors had the basic instinct and the ability to survive and reproduce their following generation.
When he was young, Hume wrote a book arguing against Locke's idea of an original social contract.
Originated in Chinese primitive society, this was the philosophical explanation of human's perception of life.
The evolution of the status of women: Engels believed that the matrilineal clan really existed in earlier period of the primitive society.
The prehistoric culture is also termed as"the primitive culture", indicating the culture of the primitive society in which no written language emerged.
If not, times have progressed, perhaps we return to the primitive society better, at least not sad!
The Taoist theory is certainly wrong which says that the Utopia of mankind is the primitivity of a bygone age.
In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all.
Even human cannibals in primitive societies have a problem with a brain disease passed in this way.
The organization of primitive society , is to protect the collective will in this case extremely difficult to survive.
Death penalty is the most archaic and severest penalty among the penalty system, which is originated from consanguineous Vengeance of barbarism society.
Even in the primitive society and forms of feudal society, people's productive activities are done under the name of the collective.
The name of Luquan Yi clan is an appellation to distinguish the blood relationship of Yi nationality.
Imagine that if the world without the electricity one day, just as we back to barbarism society, some people will be mad absolutely.
Ancient Chinese people living along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers began to make pottery and clay figures towards the end of the Primitive Society .
Baudrillard's liberation of the way is to go back to the symbol exchange of primitive society, this is destined to an illusion.
In most primitive societies, their form is dictated by tradition, and they are thought to have supernatural power.
Indeed for more than one thousand years of accumulation of traditional industry, even it can be traced back to the primitive society "things for the thing" form.
As we know very little about them apart from legend, we can only speculate that they were probably tribal chieftains during the transitional period from primitive to slave society.
In primitive society, how we have water, we are in the lake water to take over, or people living near the water.
Dawenkou culture alongside a large number of pig and jaws that pigs and pottery in the late primitive society has played a function of monetary wealth.
The connecting theme is that in the division of Labour that forms the primordial bargain of human hunter-gatherer societies, it is the men who do the hunting and the women who do the gathering.
From the Angle of human society's civilization history, the agricultural civilization of China's traditional economy and society, should date back to China's primitive society.
It stems from the late primitive society, reaches it puberty during the two Song Dynasties, prospers in the Qing Dynasty and matures in the modern age.
It stems from the late primitive society, reaches it puberty during the two Song Dynasties, prospers in the Qing Dynasty and matures in the modern age.