After the White House, the four of us went to dinner. Before our food arrived, our high energy first-grade mentee wore out, leaned on his coat, and fell asleep.
Mundane details about their day appearing as milestones: "Going to dinner and a movie! ! ! ""
About a halfan hour before she was getting ready to head out for dinner, there was a knockat Ellie's door.
She is not. I was supposed to meet her here. We're going out to dinner.
I like to be with my girlfriend and daughter as well as friends go for dinner and couple of drinks.
A colleague of Godiwalla's, "Natalia" set out one night to expense the most money possible at dinner.
We did spend a lot of time off-set together by going out to dinner and just being girls and hanging out.
“It's such a relationship-driven world,” he says. “You go out to lunch, you go out to dinner.”
They bickered. And he went to dinner in exactly what he'd originally planned to wear.
Salovey: I remember once, we had a guest speaker, and afterward we all went out to dinner.
We wait for her to get off work, and I invite the three, and another friend of Terri’s, to dinner.
I normally take my friends out for dinner; finding some best-kept secret restaurants is the most interesting thing we often do.
They've already gone to dinners together. They're doing things of that nature. He leads by example.
These days, when children can't visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a 1) greeting card. 2) Ties, flowers and cookies are also popular gifts.
During the last 7 days we were too busy on hiking and sightseeing, so today we needed have a good rest. We got up in the afternoon, and went to take dinner in the evening.
纽约的迈尔斯还记得自己当初想单独邀请室友乔纳森·弗赖曼(Jonathan Freimann)出去吃晚餐。
Myers of New York remembers how he would ask his roommate Jonathan Freimann out for dinner by himself.
However, if this person takes you out and does not make a loving connection, the form of "going out" will not bring you what you want.
In fact, I once flew my mother out to Las Vegas to have dinner—we all had dinner together—Robert Goulet, his wife, my mother, and I.
After our Lancet paper was published in 1984, Robin and I went out to dinner with our wives, and we were having a few drinks and I let slip that I'd done the experiment.
Our dinner reservation was at a restaurant just on the other side of the bridge, so I promised him that we would not only search the area around the fountain when we went back for dinner, but we would also find the police and ask them if the backpack had been turned in.
Consider taking the family out for dinner or all cooking your favorite meal together at the end of a busy day.
I've only seen my mum once this year, and my new boyfriend complains that even out for a romantic dinner, I'm always sending emails.
When it comes to choosing the wine to have with dinner, on the rare occasion that I get to take my girlfriend out, I avoid going for the cheapest bottle, as this makes me look, er, cheap.
lieu可能有一些守法的韵味,但是很多大部分人还是能认出它的意思是“insteadof”或者是“inplace of ”——比如:“她没有还我钱,而是请我出去吃了晚餐。”(in lieu ofpaying methe money, shetook me outto dinner .)。
Lieu might have a bit of a legalistic flavor to it but most people recognize that it means "instead of" or "in place of" -for example: "in lieu of paying me the money, she took me out to dinner."
lieu可能有一些守法的韵味,但是很多大部分人还是能认出它的意思是“insteadof”或者是“inplace of ”——比如:“她没有还我钱,而是请我出去吃了晚餐。”(in lieu ofpaying methe money, shetook me outto dinner .)。
Lieu might have a bit of a legalistic flavor to it but most people recognize that it means "instead of" or "in place of" -for example: "in lieu of paying me the money, she took me out to dinner."