• 刻意动作想起自己母亲去年圣诞节去世了。

    Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother, who'd passed away the previous Christmas.


  • 来自埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特研究员奥尔汉伊斯梅尔发现去年圣诞节10个月大的儿子卡梅伦收到了无数玩具,这让情况变得更糟了。

    Orhan Ismail, a researcher from Colchester, Essex, saw a change for the worse in Cameron, his 10-month-old son, after he was given innumerable toys last Christmas.


  • 原来惦记去年圣诞节沙发

    LL: I'd be psyched if you left behind that new leather couch you got for Christmas last year.


  • 威瑟斯去年一月份相遇,去年圣诞节期间订婚

    Witherspoon and Toth became engaged over the Christmas period after meeting in January last year.


  • 去年圣诞节圣诞老人必须T恤短裤雪橇而来。

    Last Christmas, Santa Claus must have been loading his sleigh in at-shirt and shorts.


  • 然后发现玛丽穿着去年圣诞节的那条海军蓝色裙子

    And then he realized that Mary was wearing the navy blue dress that he'd bought for her last Christmas!


  • 去年圣诞节调和对夫妇的时间在法院上对峙。

    The tempestuous couple spent more than three years fighting each other through the courts before reconciling last Christmas.


  • 去年圣诞节马戏团老板吉米·盖兹决定一所儿童医院礼物

    Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to a children's hospital.


  • 去年圣诞节马戏团老板吉米·盖兹决定一所儿童医院礼物

    Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy gates, decided to take some presents to a children 's hospital.


  • 还记得去年圣诞节她们礼物当中威士忌,打开瓶子往牛奶了大半杯。

    Remembering a bottle of whiskey received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.


  • 去年圣诞节期间,11岁的学的地理知识救了100的性命。

    Tilly, 11, saved about 100 people with her geography knowledge last Christmas.


  • 去年圣诞节过后不久苏珊娜到我家了解情况,看到墙上贴着新的宣传画

    Not long after Christmas last year, Suzanne came to inspect my apartment and saw some new posters pasted on the wall.


  • 同样去年圣诞节加息也使铜价下跌了0.7%,当时由于假日原因全球交投清淡

    Similarly the Christmas day rate rise sent copper down 0.7 per cent amid light global trading due to the holidays.


  • 认为吗?”布伦特。“去年圣诞节你可在你身边转了个够呢。”

    "Do you think he's silly?" questioned Brent. "Last Christmas you sure let him buzz round you plenty."


  • 内心的强大足可以规避那些不成器人,但是去年圣诞节一样让你难忘。

    You are strong enough to avoid the losers, but it is the ghost of Christmas past that haunts you.


  • 去年圣诞节带着3个孩子纽约驾车六个小时英格兰忙于工作丈夫乘坐飞机。

    Last Christmas, she packed her three kids in the car for the six-hour drive from New York to New England and let her husband, who was stuck at work, take a plane.


  • AA公司一项调查发现去年圣诞节开车出游有五分之一会今年选择不出门。

    One fifth of those who travelled by car last Christmas said they would stay put this year, an AA survey found.


  • 去年圣诞节我们史密斯一瓶杜松子酒因此今年他们我们一瓶苏格兰威土忌,算是有来有往

    We gave the Smiths a bottle of gin last Christmas, so this year they gave us a bottle of Scotch Whisky to even thing up a bit.


  • :“去年圣诞节打扮白雪公主养老院度过的,看见人们过得如此开心——是非常棒!”

    She said: 'Last year I spent Christmas Day at a nursing home dressed as Snow White, and it was just wonderful to see how much all of the residents enjoyed themselves.


  • 去年圣诞节迈阿密热火韦德和克里夫兰骑士队詹姆斯这个两个球队最好年轻人的圣诞大战。

    On Christmas Day, the Miami Heat and Dwyane Wade will take on the Cleveland Cavaliers and LeBron James in a matchup of two of the best young players in the league.


  • 去年圣诞节我们送给史密斯一瓶杜松子酒今年他们便我们送了一瓶苏格兰威士忌酒,以使礼尚往来。

    We gave the Smiths a bottle of gin last Christmas, so this year they gave us a bottle of Scotch to even things up a bit.


  • 例如演员查理·希恩因为去年圣诞节妻子一次争吵拘留,关于此案法庭听证会推迟到周一

    For example, actor Charlie Sheen was arrested in connection with an argument he had with his wife last Christmas day; a court hearing on the case was delayed Monday.


  • 他们实施造成上百人死亡袭击就像他们最近一次证实去年圣诞节密谋炸毁西北航空253航班的尝试。

    It could still pull off an attack that would kill hundreds, as the most recent plot to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day 2009 attests.


  • 不像去年圣诞节当时巴马花了好几天时间解决爆炸未遂事件,而今天召开记者会表示他已经注意午夜消息

    Unlike last Christmas, when Mr Obama took several days to address the attempted bombing, today he held a press conference, noting that he had been woken in the middle of the night with the news.


  • 实际上选战数月前开始:若不计官方浮夸虚饰表态,英国政党至少去年圣诞节起即进入选举状态

    But the campaign has in effect been running for months: regardless of the official fripperies, Britain's political parties have been in election mode since Christmas at least.


  • 去年圣诞节次日爆发的海啸刚刚平息,印度洋海域又发生了一场强烈地震使地区旅游业的复兴计划严重受挫。

    A powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean, so soon after the Boxing Day tsunami, will be a big setback for the region's plans to revive tourism.


  • 去年圣诞节次日爆发的海啸刚刚平息,印度洋海域又发生了一场强烈地震使地区旅游业的复兴计划严重受挫。

    A powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean, so soon after the Boxing Day tsunami, will be a big setback for the region's plans to revive tourism.


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