• 了弧参数化方法减少运动控制计算量;

    Quaternion interpolation method, which is a motion interpolation in motion simulation, was improved to increase the flexibility of curve control.


  • 为此提出基于变形能量三角网格参数化方法

    To minimize the distortion of parameterization of triangular meshes, a new parameterization method based on deformation energy optimization is presented in this paper.


  • 模块根据尺寸参数采用参数化方法建立有限元模型

    This code uses the dimensions of a pressure vessel head to create an FEM model by a parameterization method.


  • 参数方法零件实例生成对象对象表示具体的零件;

    Using the parametered method, from instancing of class we produce objects which are used to represent concrete parts.


  • 针对一类隐式代数曲面提出一种基于分片几何参数化方法

    This paper proposes a piecewise geometric approach to parametrize a kind of quartic implicit algebraic surface.


  • 本文参数方法计算太平洋地面洋面太阳辐射收支分量。

    In this paper, the parameterization method is used to calculate the solar radiation budget and its components on the Northern Pacific surface.


  • 基于RF I信号窄带性质,简要综述了抑制rfi技术的参数化方法

    Based on the narrowband property of RFI, the parametric methods of RFI suppression are discussed.


  • 文中给出的参数化方法直接应用于大气环流模式计算臭氧吸收太阳辐射的加热

    The method can ba applied to the atmospheric circulation model to calculate the heating rate.


  • 提出一种反求工程基于局部参数方法数据边界特征的自动提取方法

    This paper presented a method for automatic edge points extraction of point data based on local base surface parameterization.


  • 过程参数化方法大气物理学家研究重点也是水文学家越来越关注问题

    Methods for land surface process parametrization are a focal point for atmospheric physicists to investigate, and also a problem for hydrologists to be increasingly concerned about.


  • 基于一类矩阵方程参数给出了比例加微分反馈特征结构配置设计参数化方法

    Based on parametric solutions for a type of matrix equations, a parametric method for this eigen-structure disposition problem is propose.


  • 分别使用分段常数参数方法提出的时间节点参数化方法求解聚合物最优控制问题。

    The OCP of polymer flooding is numerically solved based on piecewise constant parameterization method and the proposed TNP method.


  • 针对具有未知干扰输入的多变量线性系统提出一种鲁棒故障检测分离的完全参数化方法

    A parametric observer-based approach for robust fault detection and isolation in multivariable linear systems with unknown disturbances is proposed.


  • 针对具有未知干扰输入的多变量线性系统提出一种鲁棒故障检测分离完全参数化方法

    A new parametric observer-based approach for robust fault detection and isolation in linear time-delay systems with unknown disturbances is proposed.


  • 针对具有约当对角标准型特征情形提出一种求解该二阶振动矩阵方程的参数方法

    In the case of the eigenvalues with the Jordan diagonal canonical form, a parametric method is proposed.


  • 针对一类具有未知干扰输入的时滞线性系统提出一种鲁棒故障检测分离的完全参数化方法

    A new parametric observer-based approach for robust fault detection and isolation in linear time-delay systems with unknown disturbances is proposed.


  • 针对一类具有未知干扰输入的时滞线性系统提出一种鲁棒故障检测分离的完全参数化方法

    A parametric observer-based approach for robust fault detection and isolation in multivariable linear systems with unknown disturbances is proposed.


  • 利用基于特征零件参数化方法确定了立磨机零件对象属性,并对各特征零件类进行定义。

    The attribute of VEM part object is specified with parametric method based on feature. The feature classes and part classes are defined.


  • 提出一种新的曲面三角网格模型参数算法——加权最小离散参数化方法(WLSDP)。

    A new algorithm called the weighted least square discrete parameterization (WLSDP) is presented for the parameterization of triangular meshes over a convex planar region.


  • 文中根据曲线曲面,分别参数方法构造节点矢量,利用NURBS方法控制点

    In this paper, the control points are calculated based on the curve or surface's data points and the knot vector which is calculated with four kinds of parameterization by the method of NURBS.


  • 平常方法一样如果给出曲线的几何描述不得不自己判断什么才是最好的参数化方法

    It is the same method as usual. And if you are being given a geometric description of a curve then, of course, you will have to decide for yourself what the best parameter will be.


  • 土壤通量参数化方法拖曳系数的取值问题进行了讨论,完善的方法还有待于与实验测量工作相结合

    The parameterization for the soil heat flux and the surface drag coefficient are discussed, and the more perfect method needs to combine further with measure experiments.


  • 参数方法给出了该类观测器增益矩阵参数化表达式所含参数除了满足两个约束条件之外完全自由的。

    The method presents the parametric expression for the gain matrix of the high-order PI observer. The contained parameters satisfy the needs of two constraints and are completely free as well.


  • 基于线性系统特征结构配置和模型参考理论提出一种卫星轨迹跟踪控制的参数方法,设计系统反馈镇定控制器和前馈跟踪控制器。

    A parametric approach is proposed for the satellite trajectory tracking problem by using the eigenstructure assignment theory and the model reference theory of linear systems.


  • 将亏格为零的维模型进行球面参数化方法大致可以分成3类:(1)基于累进网格方法(2)球面松弛方法(3)参数化方法

    These methods can be divided into three: (1) method based on progressive mesh (2) method based on sphere relaxation (3) conformal method. The three methods have their own advantages and shortcomings.


  • 针对模型数据缺乏自然频域分解算法鲍虎军等人建立的三维模型平面参数化方法将三维模型数据转维数据进行处理,但是算法很复杂。

    To overcome the difficult of 3D model's decomposing planar parameterization algorithm is proposed by Bao Hunjun, 3D data will be transformed to 2D data in this algorithm.


  • 本文描述了基于参数脚本部署方法可以此 下载

    This article describes a scripted deployment approach, based on a set of parameters you can download.


  • 然后自动地方法参数中推断出类型参数实例

    Then the type parameter instantiations would be inferred automatically from the method arguments.


  • 因此如果出现代码生成问题那么最有可能代码生成器不能处理服务中的方法参数返回类型序列

    Therefore, if a code generation problem occurs, it is most likely that the code generator can not handle the serialization of the method parameters or return types in your service class.


  • 因此如果出现代码生成问题那么最有可能代码生成器不能处理服务中的方法参数返回类型序列

    Therefore, if a code generation problem occurs, it is most likely that the code generator can not handle the serialization of the method parameters or return types in your service class.


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