To many parents, Wu's story is just another bad example of the dangers of idol worship.
Take it from a writer whose eighth-grade paper was read aloud as an example of how NOT to write.
When Church talks about mirror life's quirky advantages, invulnerability to this kind of mishap is high on his list.
After wasting so much of their time at school, society finally lets them waste some of it themselves as part of learning how to make good use of it.
Even though Japan a banking system crisis, this is a page straight out of its playbook.
As a nation, the United States has a bad case of it. China is competing with other Asian nations and itself in a contest we do not even appear to realize is underway.
Yahoo could not — this was a case of a troubled company, an ill-fitting chief, and a board too weak to acknowledge early on that Bartz wasn't right for the turnaround challenge.
With the American economic shocks, my graduate life has been drawing to end. Each financial crisis is the best negative example for every financial practitioners, especially this one.
But ITC has become the kind of conglomerate that Western textbooks advise against, spanning everything from stationery, cigarettes and spice-grinding to noodles and hotels.
We live in a global world, too, so do check that your great URL does not mean "Your mother is a mangy dog" in Chinese, French, or whatever.
We live in a global world, too, so do check that your great URL does not mean "Your mother is a mangy dog" in Chinese, French, or whatever.