Since the 1980s, the research of development economics bas entered a new stage.
Dual structure is classified to research category of development economics in the traditional economics.
This paper taking South Korean as an example is to discuss the origin of authoritarianism from the angle of the development economics.
The transfer of agricultural surplus labor is an important subject of developing economics.
Modern development economics thinks: Without forming and accumulation of capital, there is not economic growth.
They learn about agricultural and development economics, international agribusiness and law, global environmental issues, and more.
If Chinese economics wants to make some breakthroughs, the new system economics and the development economics will be the inevitable selection.
The labor supply behavior of rural migrant households in cities is one of the main issues in development economics.
In recent years, western development economics has begun to pay attention to dynamic poverty and "chronic poverty" and related research.
Even before the crisis there was a questioning of prevailing paradigms and a sense that development economics needed rethinking.
She also has an MSc in Development Economics, as well as a graduate law degree, from Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.
He has a very respected record as an academic, but also as a practitioner in development economics.
The technological advances theory of development economics provide for all kinds of model choice for reference for China's agricultural technology advance.
This article first carries on the elaboration of the question about farmers' income to grow in the economical growth theory, the development economic and the division of labor theory.
According to development economics, capital input is crucial in modern economic growth, especially in the take-off stage.
It's a message reinforced by the Bank's Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Development Economics, Francois Bourguignon, who guided the team producing the report.
The theoretical basis for the formation of village Banks is mainly McKinnon and Shaw's theory of financial deepening, financial endogenous growth theory and the theory of development economics.
Michael holds a Master Degree in International Economics from the George Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Developmental Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The western unemployment theory may be divided, according to hypothesis, into Classical economics', Keynesianism ', neo - Classical economics' and Development economics'.
Previously, he worked as Chief Economist for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and subsequently as Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President of the World Bank.
This paper tries to establish an econometric model based on aid theory of development economics and to answer the above question using national data from 1980.
I first took a course in development economics in 1973, a year of economic turmoil with the Arab oil embargo and shortly after the downfall of the Bretton Woods exchange rate system.
Now a development economist — that's Santosh's field — development economics is a very important field in economics that is helping less developed countries emerge.
Secondly, from the view of developing economics, neoclassical economics and new economic growth theory, this paper gives the systematical analysis and comparison of FDI's effects on economic growth.
Given their success, it is easy to forget that some development economists were once prey to "export fatalism". Poor countries, they believed, had little to gain from venturing into the world market.
Given their success, it is easy to forget that some development economists were once prey to "export fatalism". Poor countries, they believed, had little to gain from venturing into the world market.