Whitcomb did not call his invention zipper but everybody says that he was Father of Zipper.
To memorize Yuan Longping, Father of Hybrid Rice, people in our city will show you their greatest inventions on saving food.
我听说Walter Bright (D语言之父)将D语言描述为编译器实现者发明的语言(而不是语言设计者)。
I heard Walter Bright (the father of d) describing it as a language invented by a compiler implementer (not a language designer).
American inventor Thomas Edison, who was considered the father of sound recording, developed the phonograph in 1877, the first device to record music in the world.
American inventor Thoms Edison, who was considered the father of sound recording, developed the phonograph in 1877, the first device to record music in the world.
Often considered to be the father of modern computer science, Turing provided an influential formalisation of the concept of the algorithm and computation with the Turing machine.
在1827年,法国发明家约瑟尼埃普斯(JosephNicphore Nipce)就利用金属板,成功拍出人类史上的第一幅照片,使他获得「摄影之父」的荣誉。
It was until 1827 did Frenchman Joseph Nicphore Nipce successfully fixed image on a metal plate for the first time in human history, making himself the "father of photography".
Claude Elwood Shannon, the father of information theory and the man who coined the term bit, is born.
Considered the father of modern engineering this Arab scholar invented a programmable humanoid automaton and50other mechanical gadgets such as water cranks and pumps with suction pipes.
The Pythagoras is Gu Xila's sage, philosopher and mathematician, it is the contriver of Pythagoras law , at the same time he also is the father of maigre creed of the west.
开利博士个人拥有的80多项发明、 开利公司的800多项空调专利技术以及遍及全球的15家研发中心,共同成就了开利“全球空调专家,世界空调之父”的美名。
Regarded as the "Leader and Expert of Air Conditioning", Carrier owns 15 R&D centers around the world with more than 800 patents and over 80 inventions in the air conditioning industry.
开利博士个人拥有的80多项发明、 开利公司的800多项空调专利技术以及遍及全球的15家研发中心,共同成就了开利“全球空调专家,世界空调之父”的美名。
Regarded as the "Leader and Expert of Air Conditioning", Carrier owns 15 R&D centers around the world with more than 800 patents and over 80 inventions in the air conditioning industry.