• 主要介绍酸杆菌的特性分类以及食品发酵工业中的应用

    This article introduces characteristics and classification of Propionibacterium, and its application in food fermentation industry.


  • 评述了压力脉动生物反应器出现背景及其生物发酵工业影响

    The background of the pressure pulse bioreactor appearance and its effect on fermentation industry has been described.


  • 协和发酵化学株式会社协和发酵工业集团中从事化学工业员。

    Kyowa Hakko Chemical Co., Ltd. is Industrial Chemical Company which is a part of Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Group.


  • 介绍了技术发酵工业中的应用主要包括膜分离和膜生物反应器

    The application of membrane technology in the fermentation industry is reviewed. It includes membrane separation and membrane bioreactor.


  • 酿酒酵母发酵工业重要微生物主要用于酒精啤酒面包工业

    S. cerevisiae, as an important microbe in fermenting industry, is mainly applied in ethanol industry, beer brewing and baking industry.


  • 本文介绍了日本食品发酵工业废水处理现状采用的各种节水节能方法。

    It is introduced to the actuality of waste water processing in food and fermentation industry in Japan., and the methods for economize on water and energy.


  • 小麦具有很高经济价值工业价值的粮食作物广泛用于发酵工业和制糖工业

    Wheat, the grain of high economic value and industrial value, was widely used in fermenting industry and sugar industry.


  • 综述表面活性剂发酵工业中的应用具体介绍了消泡灭菌消毒分离三个方面应用。

    A review surveys the application of surfactants in fermentation industry. Application of antifoamer, disinfection and antiseptic, bioseparation are introduced in detail.


  • 乳酸菌广泛用于食品发酵工业用于维持胃肠道生态平衡,预防治疗人类与动物疾病

    Lactic acid bacteria are not only widely used in the fermentation, but also used as probiotics to maintain the balance of gastrointestinal tract to therapy and prevent diseases.


  • 发酵工业配套装备入手,分析由于设备原因导致发酵染菌,并提出了预防和改进的方法

    From the auxiliary equipment used in fermentation industry, the causes of infection occurred in ferment process were analyzed.


  • 发酵工业中,主要应用于有机物水溶液分离,可用制备无水乙醇,生产或无醇葡萄酒

    It is used in the separation of organic aqueous solutions to prepare absolute ethanol and low alcohol wine.


  • 无机陶瓷由于高温、耐化学腐蚀、耐生物侵蚀特性,因而食品发酵工业有着广泛的应用前景

    The inorganic ceramic membrane has great potential in food industry owing to its unique advantages such as thermal, chemical and microbiological resistance compared with organic one.


  • 将纤维素生物质转化为燃料酒精可以降低传统以粮食为原料酒精发酵工业成本充分利用可再生资源

    Cellulose, instead of traditional grains, was used in fuel ethanol production, which could reduce production cost. And such plentiful renewable resource should be fully utilized.


  • 发酵工业国民生活和国民经济中的作用越来越重要工业领域操作管理自动化控制成为重要的课题

    The fermentation industry is more and more important in national economy and the people's livelihood. It's operation and control are a very urgent problem.


  • 同时指出应用基因工程技术构建噬菌体抗性菌株应用食品发酵工业中所存在问题对其应用前景了展望。

    At the same time, the existing problems of the applications of genetically engineered strains for food fermentation industry were pointed out, and the prospects of the application are forecasted.


  • 作为全球动物饲料工业领域广为人知的参与者,乐斯福饲料添加剂设计研发销售一系列来源于发酵工业的添加剂产品

    Widely recognized as a key player in the animal feed market, LFA designs, develops and markets a range of products all derived from fermentation processes.


  • 将纤维素生物质转化为燃料酒精可以降低传统粮食为原料酒精发酵工业成本充分利用这种数量巨大可再生资源

    Cellulose, instead of traditional grains, was used in fuel alcohol production by biotransformation, which could reduce production cost. And such plentiful renewable resource should be fully utilized.


  • 麸皮小麦加工主要副产物。麸皮中含有丰富碳水化合物蛋白质维生素矿物质广泛用于饲料工业食品工业发酵工业

    Because of its rich nutrients such as carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals etc, wheat bran is widely used in feed, food and fermentation industries.


  • 谷氨酸棒杆菌高丝氨酸工业上用作细菌发酵赖氨酸缺乏菌株。

    Corynebacterium glutamicum high-serine is used as a lysine-deficient strain of the bacteria fermentation in the industry.


  • 可能现代巧克力工业起源可以追溯到这种原始发酵饮料

    It may be that the roots of the modern chocolate industry can be traced back to this primitive fermented drink.


  • 泡沫形成消长规律出发介绍泡沫工业发酵影响泡沫的控制方法,并提出控制泡沫的措施

    Introduce effect and control method of foam on industry fermentation based on formation, perishing and growing rule of the foam, put forward measures of controlling the foam.


  • 综述目前食品工业中的主要乳酸菌菌种及其应用介绍了发酵奶制品主要乳酸菌菌种及其特性

    We summarize the strain of lactobacillus used in food industry at present and their application, and those strains of lactobacillus used in the fermentation dairy products and their characteristics.


  • 该文对产二酸放线杆菌发酵工艺优化工业规模的农作物秸秆生物转化制备丁二酸提供重要指导。

    It is very important to optimize the fermentation technology of Actinobacillus succinogenes for the industrial bioconversion of succinic acid from crop straw.


  • 以便应用于尖顶羊肚菌液体菌种生产工业发酵

    The experiment results would be applied to produce the liquid spawns and industrial fermentation.


  • 最后,针对螺旋霉素工业发酵过程计算机控制系统实际课题,运用上述方法其系统结构设计实施方案详细介绍

    Finally the structural design and the implemented scheme of a computer control system for an industrial spiramycin fermentation process is described in detail for illustration.


  • 通过微生物发酵进而提取SAM目前SAM主要工业生产途径。SAM的生产一直以s。

    Fermentation of microorganism and extracting SAM from the cell is the main industrial production process at present.


  • 酿酒工业某种碳水化合物发酵生产

    It is manufactured by the fermentation of certain carbohydrates in the alcoholic drinks industry.


  • 叙述微孔滤膜概念,对微孔滤膜啤酒工业黄酒酱油生产萃取发酵方面的应用状况进行了较为详细论述。

    Giving the definition of MFM and narrating particularly its application in the processing of beer and the manufacture, extraction, fermentation of rice wine, soy sauce.


  • 叙述微孔滤膜概念,对微孔滤膜啤酒工业黄酒酱油生产萃取发酵方面的应用状况进行了较为详细论述。

    Giving the definition of MFM and narrating particularly its application in the processing of beer and the manufacture, extraction, fermentation of rice wine, soy sauce.


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