• 详细明显标注副作用将受益所有

    But detailed and accessible information about the side-effects of drugs is to everyone's advantage.


  • 受益所有人一般从事实质性经营活动,可以是个公司其他任何团体

    The "beneficial owner" may be an individual, a company or any other organization which is usually engaged in substantial business operations.


  • 底线是:对于所有营销炒作联盟不是所有人来说是一切——每个从中受益

    The bottom line: for all the marketing hype, alliances aren't all things to all people—but everybody can get some benefit out of them.


  • 我们需要训练自己用不同的方式思考改变我们思维方式认识多样性我们所有人打开机会之门,为我们组织社区中创造了机会每个都会受益于此

    We need to train ourselves to think differently, shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opens doors for all of us, creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone.


  • 方和国家政府面临的挑战是管理旅游业,使社区能够在经济上受益,同时确保所有人都能享受到旅游区。

    The challenge for local and national governments is to manage tourism so that communities can benefit economically, and yet at the same time, make sure that the tourist areas are kept for all to enjoy.


  • 我们能够根据需要自己进行控制,就互联网其他部分一样,那样的话可以保证所有受益

    Give us the option to treat Facebook like every other part of the Web, whenever we want, and I assure you it will benefit us all.


  • 尽管所有否认一研究受益石油天然气

    Despite all the disclaimers, this will be the bit of most interest to the oil and gas industry.


  • 时间心思决定你做什么义务工作,所有人都会从中受益

    Put a little time and thought into deciding which cause to volunteer for, and everyone will reap the benefits.


  • 如果政界拿出减轻债务负担的方案,并找出促进增长降低失业率方法所有人乃至整个国家都会普遍受益

    If politicians can come up with a game plan to address debt levels, figure out a way to drive growth, and lower unemployment, it will be good for everyone and for the country broadly.


  • 有趣是,受益方式可以少数”(企业家)转换所有”(国家)。

    It is funny the number of ways in which profits can be transferred from "a small number of people" (private entrepreneurs) to "all the people" (the state).


  • 还有一点所有人都会受益消费电子产品软件可以通过互联网自动更新

    Here's something that can benefit everyone: the software in a consumer product can be automatically updated over the Internet, as soon as there's an update.


  • 最后要申明的几乎所有人超额预定受益比如,票价更低,而且那些志愿者强盗式地获得赔偿。

    In the end, nearly everyone benefits from overbooking. Fares are lower, and volunteers can make out like bandits.


  • 投票信托组织必须延展协议受益所有人清单提交公司主要办事处

    The voting trustee must deliver copies of the extension agreement and list of beneficial owners to the corporation's principal office.


  • 所有人从中受益甚至包括富国日本02- 03年间,中国其高端配件资本货物需求,将其持续了10衰退了出来。

    Everybody has benefited, even rich Japan, which in 2002-03 was pulled out of a decade and a half's slump by Chinese demand for top-notch components and capital goods.


  • 那时他80岁,次最好屈辱遗忘。没有要求传记成为所有人喜欢风格,更多园艺者及更多埋藏棘手外表之下而了解甚多受益匪浅。

    No one is asking for the all-is-lovely school of biography, but a lot more horticulture and a bit more understanding of the man beneath the tricky exterior would go a long way.


  • 事情进展不错,我们尊重社区参与者并且着让所有人受益

    We respect the participants of the Community and trying to find favor in the eyes of everyone.


  • 朱尔斯不过认为瑜珈可以带来好处所有人都会练习瑜珈中受益尤其是这样有背部问题

    Jules: But I think you'd benefit from yoga. Everybody benefits from yoga especially someone with your back issues.


  • 如果收货给予承运有关受益所有信息有误,收货自己应当负责由此发生额外费用

    If the consignee has given to the carrier erroneous information as to who the beneficial owner is, such consignee shall himself be liable for such additional charges.


  • 如果发货转运给与承运有关受益所有人信息有误,再发货或转运应当自己承担所有有关费用。

    If the re-consignor or diverter has given to the carrier erroneous information as to who the beneficial owner is, such re-consignor or diverter shall himself be liable for all such charges.


  • 尽管有些愤愤不平,但法院这些痛苦房产争端案判决公平的,所有人最终受益

    EXAMPLE: Although some people were resentful, the court's judgment in the bitter property dispute was equitable, and ultimately everyone benefited from it.


  • 这个技巧我们所有人受益匪浅即使我们做出的选择微不足道

    All of us can benefit from this little technique, even if our poor choices aren't major ones.


  • 女性优秀的编程能力的认可力证了一个事实:从事技术工作的女性的增多将使所有受益

    Knowing that women are great at coding gives strength to the case that it's better for everyone to have more women working in tech.


  • 补充说,“这样时代背景下,认为Facebook重要的任务就是开发出新的社会基础设施能力建立自己全球化社群,让地球上所有人受益。”

    He added: "in times like these the most important thing we at Facebook can do is develop the social infrastructure to give people the power to build a global community that works for all of us."


  • 花些时间心思决定要做什么义务工作所有都会从中受益

    Let them know up front what you can and cannot do in terms of time commitment and job duties.


  • 所有人都会练习瑜珈受益尤其是这样有背部问题

    Everybody benefits from yoga especially someone with your back issues.


  • 所有人都会练习瑜珈受益尤其是这样有背部问题

    Everybody benefits from yoga especially someone with your back issues.


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