The good news for them is that things are not getting worse; the bad news is that this is because they cannot deteriorate any further.
And this type situation has only worsened as the density and capacity of HDDs have increased.
The interaction effects make things even worse, and we can't overlook those negative interaction effects.
You've been doing weather reports for nearly 30 years. Has the weather got any worse in all these years?
Ventral hernias do not go away on their own and may enlarge with time.
We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. –( M. L. Becker )
I think you can name very few central bankers who've done a good job and nearly always made it worse.
Matters are worse, and the audience response potentially more troubling, when journalists get big issues wrong.
It is going to make it much worse here because the jobs in Galveston are gone, "Rutledge said."
Rosenberg said. Now, she added, "as much as things are bad, they are not getting worse."
Would this mean the situation in Mid-East will become worse? Any influence to gold movement trend? Hedge Funds action will give you an answer I presume.
We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. — M. L. Becker.
If he change at all he can only change for the worse, for we cannot suppose him to be deficient either in virtue or beauty.
We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. — K. L. Becker.
But a weak administration and a greedy Congress conspired to produce a baggy monster of a bill which, from a fiscal point of view, might have made things worse.
That which does not make a man worse than he was, also does not make his life worse, nor does it harm him either from without or from within.
From the moment I was split from my comrades, I was convinced that my bad situation had only gotten worse, and every subsequent sign seemed to confirm it.
At the close of the previous century, ambitions for malaria control had been reduced to holding the disease at bay, aiming to keep a very bad situation from getting any worse.
There is little risk of allergy with them, and they will not clog your pores. They soothe irritated and sensitive skin.
The measures will create personal tax losers as well as winners: according to the IFS, around one-fifth of families will be worse off as a result. One overall benefit will be tax simplification.
To enjoy your love life you should give thanks every moment and learn to appreciate the small problems we experience because unknown to us they can get worse and some time they probably will.
对BP来说,几乎没有比这更坏的消息了。 而事态却偏偏变得更加严重:第二天,BP的一个莫斯科办事处遭到了一群法警的搜查。
Then things did get worse: the next day, one of BP’s Moscow offices was raided by bailiffs.
Whether the web has made it a better place or a worse one is for readers to decide.
For better or worse, what others thought about you was starting to become more important, wasn't it?
For better or worse, what others thought about you was starting to become more important, wasn't it?