• 坦率地说吧迈克有好感只不过是因为有钱

    Let's be honest , she's only interested in Mike because of his money.


  • 不是只不过是因为孔子时代那么常见罢了。

    No; he's just doing a kind of work that wasn't very common in Confucius's day.


  • 因为只不过是因为你在一起的时候

    I love you not because sho you are but because who I am when I am with you!


  • 林女士反对离婚声称在新婚拒绝陈先生,只不过是因为她太累了,而且生病

    Lin contested the divorce, claiming that she refused to consummate the marriage on the wedding night because she was too tired and was ill.


  • 杂志他们职业文学没有带来什么影响,之所以被记住只不过是因为布可基有关

    The magazine made no impact whatsoever on their careers or literature, and is only remembered because of Bukowski's association with it.


  • 开发人员发明自己工具部分原因只不过是因为他们没有即刻发现如何现有工具实现其目标

    In part, developers invent their own tools simply because they do not immediately see how to accomplish goals in the existing tools.


  • 人们没有忘记拉丁语只不过是因为他们厌恶无论什么时候在开口讲话,就会遭到窃笑

    People didn't forget to speak Latin: they just got tired of all the snickering whenever they spoke.


  • 只不过是因为我们坚持自己立场没有任何事情他们决定朋友手铐。

    Simply because we stood our ground and insisted that we had done absolutely nothing wrong, they decided to place my friend in handcuffs.


  • 只不过是因为Magna将去年奥运会美国大选这样四年一次广告投入很大事件的效应排除在外。

    The actual decline is even bigger, which is why Magna has adjusted the numbers to reflect the lack of big quadrennial spending events, such as last year’s Olympic games and American elections.


  • 他们只是耗子假慈悲。葬礼上流下几滴伤心的眼泪只不过是因为老人,他们可以得到大笔财产。

    They are only crying crocodile tears at the old man's funeral because they thought they could get the huge fortune after his death.


  • 想搞明白美酒跟美食、生活习惯结合起来有可能吗?或者只不过是因为我们心怀希望而痴心妄想?

    Is it really possible, I've wondered, to incorporate alcoholic beverages into a healthful diet and lifestyle, or are those of us who hope it is possible just fooling ourselves?


  • 我大吃一惊来自那个神圣地方的他,竟然一个女孩对不起只不过是因为踩断了一朵兰花!

    Amazing! A man from that holy place, will say sorry to a little girl, just for breaking a cymbidium!


  • 有的孩子可能会喜欢一件事但是并不特别擅长一个热衷于篮球玩家只不过是因为不够强壮加入球队去。

    A child may like something but not be particularly skilled at it - the avid basketball player, say, who simply isn't athletic enough to make the team.


  • 就是为什么人们拒绝接受援助原因——无论种族社会阶层——只不过是因为相信援助毫无价值,并因而成为社会变革最为强大的阻碍

    This is why people (of any race and social class) turn down assistance: The simple belief that help is futile can be a powerful deterrent to social change.


  • 是因为特别提款权只不过国际货币基金组织成员国货币一种潜在索偿

    This is because the SDR is simply a potential claim on the national currencies of IMF members.


  • 只有很少人才懂得人生是因为缺憾美丽,而所谓的回头,只不过丢掉了白天太阳之后,错过夜晚星星

    Only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something. The so-called turning-around is that you not only miss the sun in day time but also the stars at night.


  • 只有很少人才懂得人生是因为缺憾美丽,而所谓的回头,只不过丢掉了白天太阳之后,又错过夜晚星星

    Only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something. Theso-called turning-around is that you not only miss the sun in day timebut also the stars at night.


  • 并不是因为缺少家人他们只不过是为自己的前途兴奋

    It wasn’t for a lack of love; they were just excited about making their own way.


  • 或许只不过年轻人热忱,又或许是因为生活一个许多事情都被夸大了的时代

    Maybe it was just the earnestness of youth and living in a time when so many things were overdone.


  • 因为这个日本已经花费大量的金钱来为okinotori岛屿加高海岸,防止中国这个地方只不过块石头而已。

    For that reason, Japan has been spending lavishly on shoring up what it calls Okinotori island, defying the Chinese claim that the place is just a rock.


  • 一些喜欢这个主题是因为有益暗示发人深思的观点;另一些人则喜欢这些帖子,他们认为只不过骗人的把戏。

    Some people like the subject for their helpful hints and thought provoking subject, and others dislike these posts because they feel it is nothing more than cheating.


  • 1只有很少人才懂得人生是因为缺憾美丽,而所谓的回头,只不过丢掉了白天太阳之后,错过夜晚星星

    1only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something. The so-called turning-around is that you not only miss the sun in day time but also the stars at night.


  • 1只有很少人才懂得人生是因为缺憾美丽,而所谓的回头,只不过丢掉了白天太阳之后,错过夜晚星星

    1only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something. The so-called turning-around is that you not only miss the sun in day time but also the stars at night.


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