• 要是让他们肚子或者他们正吃着香甜可口的东西,他们就容易答应

    If they have a full stomach and something sweet in their mouths, they are more likely to say yes.


  • 没有多少事情母亲家里准备怎么可口的东西所取代,家里人觉得不是什么要紧的事。

    By something not very good to eat, prepared by a mother without very much to do, for a family that doesn't feel it amounts to much anyhow.


  • 我会一直非常野兽一直追着,我会说“本人分配资本”,动物会回答道“太好了,正是最可口东西”。

    I'd have been running real fast, and the animal would have been chasing me and I'd say "I allocate capital" and the animal would say "well, those are the kind that taste the best".


  • 无论是动画片中北极熊手里还是圣诞老人的手里,几乎所有可口可乐广告一样东西标志性玻璃瓶

    Whether it's in the hands of animated polar bears or Santa Claus, there's one thing you'll find in nearly all ads for Coca-Cola: the characteristic glass bottle.


  • 烤炉烘焙它们直到它们的酥脆可口然后再把它们到一口锅里,放上辣椒生姜因为经验观察,顾客一般一些柔软潮湿东西感到恶心。

    I bake them in the oven until they are crisp and then toss them in a wok with chilli and ginger as in my experience customers tend to be squeamish about anything that is soft and squidgy.


  • 手里端着鲜奶,拿可口面包两样无疑特别喜爱东西

    And in my hands are fresh milk and tasty bread, both of which are undoubtedly your favorites.


  • 问问自己现在东西是否真正可口乐不可支可以牺牲自己目前身体所处状态的程度。

    Ask yourself if what you are eating is really that tasty or pleasurable that it is worth the current body that you have.


  • 那些寻求扩大产品销量公司可口可乐宣传广告史中学到很多东西

    Other companies struggling to increase their product sales can learn a great deal from Coca-Cola’s advertising history.


  • 来自可口可乐这样公司还有位身家几十亿的生意人数百万美元捐款正在流入,为像警用装备之类的东西买单

    Millions of dollars in donations from companies like Coca-Cola and a billionaire businessman, Eike Batista, are also pouring in, paying for things like police equipment.


  • 点了一点东西服务员带来一个盛满大碗众多免费可口面包下来交谈

    When I only ordered a small thing, the waiter brought me out a huge bowl of soup and a ton of delicious bread for free and then sat with me to talk.


  • 现今大多数称为可口可乐”的东西指的传统可口可乐”,而市面上销售的则配方修改过的版本。

    What most people refer to as "Coke" or "Coca-cola" is actually "Coca-cola Classic," since the now-discontinued "New Coke" was branded simply "Coke."


  • 我们学到了很多东西,”可口可乐公司环境交流主任LisaManley说到,“那时起,我们开始严密注意管理。”

    "It was a teaching moment, " says Lisa Manley, Coca-Cola's director of environmental communications. "We have been very focused on water stewardship since then."


  • 对于我们许多人来说,“节食这个词语可能会使人产生一种放弃可口食物只是淡而无味的食物,或者完全不东西幻想。这个危险方案最终得到效果。

    To many of us, the word "diet" may conjure up images of giving up tasty foods and eating only bland foods, or no food at all-a very dangerous scenario that is ultimately counterproductive.


  • 睡前不要咖啡喝酒可口可乐巧克力等含有兴奋的咖啡因类东西吃了这些东西容易使感到兴奋会使人很难入睡

    Do not drink coffee before going to bed, drink, Coca-Cola and chocolate contain caffeine and exciting things like, eat it will make people excited people are likely to be difficult to sleep.


  • 个吃什么其实那么重要地方种充满安全感被认可氛围中,简单东西品尝起来也会显得香甜可口

    Home is a place where it doesn't really matter that much what's on the menu, simple things are sweet to the taste in an atmosphere of love and security and acceptance.


  • 梦想就是有一人们可以喝掉可口可乐并且包装吃掉这样没有浪费的东西了。一切都源于梦想。

    My dream is one day, people can drink Coca-Cola packages and eat the package, so that nothing is wasted.


  • 想要任何东西,除了不要太大,一个可口可乐罐子,而且不能太重。

    Anything you want, that is, as long as it'll fit in a coke can and isn't too heavy.


  • 非常爱漂亮的衣服穿美味可口食物吃还有其他一些东西,您送我去学校读书

    You give me beautiful clothesdelicious food and other something good to me, and keep me at school. You always have to do much work .


  • 告诉,当第一品尝牡蛎黑啤酒菌,以及其他种种您现在可口知名人士赞为无上美味的东西的时候,您喜欢它们吗?

    Tell me, the first time you tasted oysters, tea, porter, truffles, and sundry other dainties which you now adore, did you like them?


  • 告诉,当第一品尝牡蛎黑啤酒菌,以及其他种种您现在可口知名人士赞为无上美味的东西的时候,您喜欢它们吗?

    Tell me, the first time you tasted oysters, tea, porter, truffles, and sundry other dainties which you now adore, did you like them?


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