• 谢谢邀请同行,可是一直梦想旅行

    Thanks for having me. It's a trip I've been dreaming of.


  • 本来是要去法国厨艺可是高中毕业时梦想

    I would have left for France and enrolled in culinary school. That was my dream coming out of high school.


  • 最远地方可是要和手舞足蹈梦想

    I'm going to see the farthest place. But who dream of dancing.


  • 可是只有最初地方,只有你才能了解梦想从来不大

    But ah, only you have accompanied the original place, only you can understand my dreams are never small.


  • 丹尼尔梦想吗嘿嘿……一个儿子人一样强壮可是要长得像一样

    Daniel: My dream Ah... I am going to have a son, strong like Naruto, but handsome like me.


  • 误会如今可是个坚定地乐观主义者作为一个实用主义者禁不住要让些许现实乐观主义者梦想中。

    Now I'm all for optimism, don't get me wrong. But as a pragmatist, I can't help but sprinkle a little reality into an optimist's dreams.


  • 梦想宽阔草地太多梦想一起运行可是此时只有一个梦想是什么成为一个电脑工程师

    My dream like a wide lea, which have too many dreams running together. But, I only have a dream now. What's it? It is become a computer engineer.


  • 为此一直怀着一个梦想就是希望有朝一日能够回到他们社会中去,可是看见莫他耳同胞的生活境况时又不免心生怀疑,自己是否真的有办法那样环境下度日。

    Hence I all alone dream that I could go back to their society someday. Seeing their living condition, however, I doubt if I can live in an environment like this.


  • 也有这样梦想可是总是担心太多东西甚至没有自己出过门呢。

    I have such a dream too. But I always worry too many things. I haven't even gone to a place by myself.


  • 虽然放弃那里一切可是我没有放弃梦想

    Although I having abandoned there all, I do not abandon my fond dream.


  • 可是天大惊喜早就梦想有一可以爬山做梦也没想到这次居然美梦成真了。

    This is a big surprise, I have long dreamed of one day to go hiking , but never thought this dream was a dream come true.


  • 可是这些冰淇淋没有味道恐怕不是梦想而是恶梦

    This ice cream has no flavor. This isn't a dream, it's my worst nightmare!


  • 所以现在必须好好学习好好画画虽然,虽然会比别人辛苦,可是觉得幸福的,因为自己梦想奋斗。

    So, now I must study hard, and to draw, although will be very tired, although than others, but I think it is happy, because I am in the struggle for their dreams.


  • 不敢保证不再伤心可是相信慢慢好的因为坚强,因为梦想

    I can not say I won't be sad any more, but I believe things will become better, because I am strong, and I have dreams and goals in my life.


  • 各位扶轮朋友们这些梦想可是梦想世界美好是不够的。

    My Rotary friends, these are my dreams, but it is simply not enough to dream of a better world.


  • 可是抽象梦想变成一件件具体的事情时候发觉们离那梦想遥远特别遥远。

    But, when we turn that abstract dream each article concrete matter time, I detected we leave that dream to be very remote, specially remote.


  • 可是有一些梦想大家分享并且透过大家和地区的扶轮社员分享这些梦想,并采取行动实现这些梦想

    I ask you to share your dreams with them and show them that our Foundation can do great things. Remember, when Rotary Shares, our dreams will come true.


  • 现在最大的梦想就是办法让多人说英文知道虽然他们字幕可是值得的。

    My greatest dream right now is to get more English speaking people to know about the series. Even if they have to read subtitles, I think it's worth it.


  • 可是还是很喜欢曾经做过梦想一天美国度假可是,残酷的现实总是面对希望你能理解

    But I still like you, I have dreamed a dream, we two have a day to American holiday, but, the cruel reality, I always want to face, I hope you can understand.


  • 梦想从来没被关注坚持过,所以慢慢磨灭了,并不希望这样可是听到不到的”它就已经磨灭

    The dream I had was never nurtured and cared for, so it slowly died. It's not that I wanted it to die, but I allowed it to die the day I started listening to the words, "You can't do it."


  • 梦想从来没被关注坚持过,所以慢慢磨灭了,并不希望这样可是听到不到的”它就已经磨灭

    The dream I had was never nurtured and cared for, so it slowly died. It's not that I wanted it to die, but I allowed it to die the day I started listening to the words, "You can't do it."


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