While the small lovely girl had heard her mother's saying, she clapped her hands and jumped up.
That evening, she dreamed about a cute little girl who told her, "Mom, please don't get rid of me."
They are lovely little girls who have already brought us so much joy - in triplicate.
She was a lovely girl, who charmed1 everyone with her undying enthusiasm2.
Rongrong is a cute little girl, whom you can see from the photo of her wearing a little red coat, with big eyes.
Stepping off the bus at the Jogar girls orphanage in San Tiago Chile, we were met by the cutest little girls you ever saw!
Sally is the perfectly sweet little girl every parent would love, and Betsy is her favorite doll.
When Xue came out of the coma, he just saw this lovely little girl suddenly appearing in his life. Sometimes, her strange and senseless behavior made the Captain quite at loss.
This is Eniea, a very cute little girl. In order to easily distinguish from her brother, I used markers to color light blue on her ears, which made her very graceful and elegant.
In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary doll, but in my eyes she is a very cute little girl.
Time elapses quickly. Nearly half a century has passed. Bailishi, who was once a bright young girl, has now become a grandmother with deep affection for Shanghai.
This is me, a lovely little girl, a girl who love cry and laugh, a little girl, the hobby is widespread, a little girl love to play the piano. Would you like to be my good friend?
A pretty girl who won national fame after singing at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was only miming.
The pretty girl who wore a red dress and pigtails and charmed a worldwide audience with a rendition of "Ode to the Motherland" is named Lin Miaoke.
Based on the best-selling novel by Alice Sebold, 'the Lovely Bones' focuses on the harrowing story of Susie Salmon, a 14-year-old girl murdered by her neighbor.
It is lovely, intelligent, sweet and delicate sounds, such as fragile as a small girl arouses love and affection, strokes were distressed.
The picture vividly depicts a lovely American girl in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face.
The sales pitch describes the dolls, which are designed to look like little girls, as "lovely pretty".
这个两岁大的小女孩穿着莹黄色的裹身裙,扎着两个小辫子,这样的打扮让她看起来越发可爱。 。
Thee two-year-old is all the more adorable thanks to her bright yellow wrap dress and cute pigtailhairstyle.
The dancing Chinese women were kinda freaky, but the little girl was cute if horribly off key.
The face of mother holding hands came a little girl, lovely big eyes staring carefully observed surprised me, I kind of greeted her, she was very shy and looked down.
A rose flower is very bright, red white, a rouge color, like a little girl's face, so cute.
A rose flower is very bright, red white, a rouge color, like a little girl's face, so cute.