• 知道自己企盼可能事。

    He knows he's wishing for the impossible.


  • 要挪动地毯又损坏可能

    It is not possible to reposition the rug without damaging it.


  • 技术扩延其它农作物也许可能

    It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.


  • 银行同意倘若出现不太可能错误便立即退款

    The bank has agreed to give an immediate refund in the unlikely event of an error being made.


  • 调查组正在接到的400个公众电话追踪可能线索

    The inquiry team is also following up possible leads after receiving 400 calls from the public.


  • 为了一起度假过周末我们生活同步几乎可能

    It was virtually impossible to synchronize our lives so as to take vacations and weekends together.


  • 找到颜色尺寸价格都符合要求毛毯几乎可能

    Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible.


  • 他们尽量他们车辆配备各种小装置应付任何可能的突发状况

    They try to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.


  • 昨天大约三万名愤怒农民布鲁塞尔游行示威,反对可能的补贴削减

    Some 30,000 angry farmers arrived in Brussels yesterday to demonstrate against possible cuts in subsidies.


  • 说出同一语言方言差异到什么程度就成为一种别的语言可能

    It is impossible to say at what point along the continuum a dialect becomes a separate language.


  • xyz可能组合方式xyz、xzyyxzyzxzxy和zyx。

    The possible permutations of x, y and z are xyz, xzy, yxz, yzx, zxy and zyx.


  • 难道意味着预测可能吗?

    Doesn't that mean that forecasting is impossible?


  • 工程师蒂姆·卡斯尔曼认为可能

    One engineer, Tim Castleman, believes it's possible.


  • 塑料午餐流行可能原因它们便宜。

    The most probable reason for the popularity of plastic lunch boxes is that they are less expensive.


  • 这个程序所有可能输入中,哪个运行得最快

    Over all possible inputs to this function, what's the fastest it runs?


  • 我们正在调查所有可能爆炸原因。”克罗尔

    "We are now investigating all possible reasons for the explosions," Krol said.


  • 机器人必须识别出不同场景中的玩家条件可能结果

    A robot has to identify the players, conditions, and possible outcomes for various scenarios.


  • 工程师TimCasselman 认为可能的

    One engineer, Tim Casselman, believes it's possible.


  • 父母鼓励一切可能的活动

    Parents encourage every activity imaginable.


  • 执法官员明确认为布兰科是个可能嫌疑犯

    Law enforcement officials had definitively identified Blanco as a potential suspect.


  • 原子分子群的有序排列极不可能的

    Ordered arrangements of large groups of atoms and molecules are highly improbable.


  • 人类变化形式限于我们基因可能那些排列

    Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes.


  • 我们起来考虑着各种可能情况,并多少

    We stood up, thinking through the possibilities. There weren't many.


  • 罗林强调证实毒品死亡之间因果关系可能

    Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.


  • 他们新的宣言声称要摧毁整个资本主义大厦,这是不可能

    Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down.


  • 首相超脱于各派几乎可能好像总是一派似的。

    It is almost impossible for the prime minister to stand above the factions. He always seems in hock to one or another.


  • 计算机了程比较这些人中1431可能成对组合

    He programmed his computer to compare the 1,431 possible combinations of pairs in this population.


  • 政府正在可能的影响进行研究,而这需要仔细审查考虑”。

    The government said it was studying the implications, which "required very careful examination and consideration."


  • 可能如果人们确信自己用于善事,他们愿意出钱的。

    But the likelihood is that people would be willing to pay if they were certain that their money was going to a good cause.


  • 是不可能的

    That's impossible!


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