• 为了度量测量数据可靠性程度算法引入了测量数据支持有效支持量等概念

    The concept of support and effective support measure is introduced to survey the degree of measurement data reliability.


  • 确定过程中,可以给出易损性评估指标安全可靠性程度各评估专家偏离度。

    During this process, the reliability of vulnerability safety degree value and experts' deviation can be given.


  • 心理画像结论准确性具体性可靠性程度应该客观认识不能对其怀有过高的期望

    We should have an objective understanding of the accuracy, particularity and reliability of the psychological profile conclusion, and can't expect too much of it.


  • 随着经典误差理论现代误差理论变迁人们逐渐接受采用测量不确定度来表示测量结果可靠性程度

    So with the transition from classical error theory to modern error theory, people gradually accept that the reliability standard of the result of measurement is expressed by measurement uncertainty.


  • 物流系统一个由众多物流单元组成系统,它的可靠性程度企业社会平稳运行有着重大的影响

    The reliability of logistics system has a great influence on the society and the enterprises. A logistics system is a huge system contained many logistics units.


  • 光学电流传感OCSH)作为光学电流互感器OCT关键部件可靠性很大程度上决定了OCT可靠性程度

    The reliability of optical current transducer (OCT) depends upon the reliability of optical current sensing head (OCSH) to large extent, which is the key component of OCT.


  • 传统工作环境中员工他们使用应用程序具有某种程度预期例如性能可靠性

    In the traditional work environment, employees have certain levels of expectations from the applications they use, such as performance and reliability.


  • 火星安居乐业自给自足,惟有私营部门方能改进航天运输成本可靠性[达到此举]必需之程度

    Only the private sector is capable of improving the cost and reliability of space transport to the degree necessary to establish self-sustaining life on Mars.


  • 这种自行车刹车可靠性据称达到99.999999999997 %,教授补充道:“在三万亿次试验中,我们只有失败不算完美,但已经是可以接受的程度。”

    They found the bike brake works with 99.999999999997 percent reliability, and the professor added: 'This implies out of a trillion braking attempts, we have three failures.


  • 这些因素包括:大坝重要性,地震时地面运动程度,大坝出现没有出现重大损坏以及当地或附近发生强震时大坝质量可靠性

    These factors include importance of the dam, severity of the ground motion, occurrence or lack of observed damage, and availability of quality strong motion records at or near the dam.


  • 该笔贷款提高国家电网一体化程度,从而增强系统可靠性降低输电损失

    This will also increase the integration of national grid, resulting in increased system reliability and a reduction in transmission losses.


  • 另外,各种燃料污染程度以及造成健康危害资源有效利用率,能源供应的可靠性也都考量范围内。

    Also considered were the fuel's impact on pollution and therefore human health, the availability of necessary resources, and the energy form's reliability.


  • 布朗高估了经济健康程度高估了令人头晕金融业房地产业税收可靠性,他高估了他自己

    He overestimated the reliability of the dizzying tax revenues from finance and the housing market. He overestimated himself.


  • 意味着所有运输层次实现都必须选择是否提供可靠性所能提供的程度

    This means that all transport layer implementations must choose whether or not to provide reliability and to what degree.


  • 实践证明,这种方法不仅可以提高产品可靠性而且可以在一定程度优化设计结果

    It proves that this method can not only improve the reliability of product, but also optimize the design results to some extent.


  • 本文硬件设计采用数字信号处理器(dsp)CPLD技术,使系统的集成化程度可靠性得到显著提升。

    This paper adopts the DSP and CPLD technology in hardware, correspondingly systemic integration degree and reliability have been improved remarkably.


  • 采用软件抗干扰不需增加硬件设备、可靠性高、稳定性好功能多样、使用灵活一定程度上实现“以软补硬”。

    Then people pay more attention to antidisturbance by software, for its reliability, stability, function diversity, dexterity, it can make up the shortcoming of the hardware.


  • 结论结肠功能不稳定性决定了运输试验具有一定程度偶然性可靠性

    Conclusion:The result of colonic transit test possesses fortuity and independability since the shakiness of colonic function.


  • 软件可靠性模型预测结果优劣,取决于基本假设实际开发过程吻合程度

    The excellent or bad result of using a software reliability model to forecast software, lie on the adjacent degree between the basic hypothesis and the actual development.


  • 可靠性在这里是指不同回顾同一个研究方法一致程度

    Reliability refers here to the degree to which different people review a study in the same way.


  • 水下结构水下这种特殊环境受到不同程度的损伤,其中裂缝缺陷评估结构安全可靠性重要因素

    Underwater structure will be damaged in different degree in this kind of particular environment. Among these defections, the crack is the important factor to evaluate the reliability of structures.


  • 介绍系统工作原理硬件软件设计以及系统可靠性可视化程度特点

    Having introduced the work principle of system, and the system reliability is high and can the looking at level feature such as good etc to the hardware and software design.


  • 系统具有灵活性可靠性自动化程度高等特点

    The system has the characteristics of flexibility, dependability and high automation.


  • 因此如何快速准确计算电力系统区域间输电能力使系统在满足安全性可靠性的前提最大程度地满足各区域用电负荷需求成为电力系统亟待解决的研究课题

    Thus how to calculate the transfer capability quickly and precisely and how to satisfy the demand of power load furthest become a challenging task under the precondition of security and reliability.


  • 另外一些情形下来自同一渠道的各类信息可能可靠性程度各异

    In other situations, different kinds of information from a single source may have varying degrees of reliability.


  • 采用这种新标准系统具有高速的数据传送性能高度柔软性、可靠性程度软件复用性

    The system adapting the OPC has the special characteristics, such as high speed data communication, high flexibility, high dependability and high degree reusability.


  • 计算软件可靠性因素对软件可靠性影响程度基础上实现了软件可靠性定性评估

    On the basis of calculating the influence of factors on software reliability, qualitative evaluation of software reliability is accomplished.


  • 可靠性很大程度上还决定于与仪器无关因素,因此受到了最多关注质疑

    The reliability of this technique, which depends on some other none-instrumental factors to a great extent, has drawn lots of attention and question.


  • 可靠性很大程度上还决定于与仪器无关因素,因此受到了最多关注质疑

    The reliability of this technique, which depends on some other none-instrumental factors to a great extent, has drawn lots of attention and question.


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