Steve Ballmer, the boss of Microsoft, is obviously very fond of it.
Here's Microsoft's business brain Steve Ballmer telling you how it works.
So what's the deal with Steve Ballmer's vassals getting Windows Phone 7 handsets?
Then Gates brought in Steve Ballmer, the firm's current boss, to help manage the company.
Once a year, Microsoft President Steve Ballmer, would proclaim that Linux violated some of Microsoft patents.
"This really is a win-win agreement both for Microsoft and Yahoo!," added Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer.
This was the initial reaction of Steve Ballmer, chief executive of Microsoft, the world's largest software firm.
STEVE BALLMER was his usual effervescent self on stage at a press conference in San Francisco this week.
So far, Google has been coy about admitting the rivalry (whereas Microsoft's boss, Steve Ballmer, is obsessed with it).
Those folks won't give up their Macs until Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer pries them from their cold, dead fingers.
微软老板史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)希望数字7能再次成为微软的幸运数字。
Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer is hoping that 7 will turn out to be a lucky number again.
In the wake of handing out 3,000 layoff notices Tuesday, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer sent an E-mail to staff.
AT a company meeting last year, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's pugnacious boss, spied an employee taking a photo on an Apple iPhone.
公司总裁史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)发誓,以后新产品的推出再也不会推迟那么长时间了。
Steve Ballmer, the chief executive, vows that there will be no more long delays between new product introductions.
微软预计将推出Windows平板电脑,这也是史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)明天演讲的主题。
Microsoft is expected to push Windows tablets starting with Steve Ballmer's keynote address tomorrow.
To be fair, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer managed to unveil an answer to the iPad three weeks before Jobs did his unveiling.
Dell has debuted a tablet concept with a 5 "display, while Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer showcased the HP Slate, which resembles Amazon Kindle DX in size."
His replacement, Carol Bartz, arrived in January and cleaned out much of Yahoo's executive team, paving the way for fresh contact with her counterpart at Microsoft, Steve Ballmer.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears in a game called Egg Attack, launched by a Swiss multimedia company Cultimedia as an "egghead" target (see photo).
Full text: Microsoft CEO Ballmer's email on new Windows President.
史蒂夫·鲍尔默掌管微软期间的所作所为与小布什在2000- 2008年期间统帅美国时的做法如出一辙,典型的成事不足败事有余。
Steve Ballmer has done to Microsoft what George W. Bush did to the United States from 2000-2008 — run things straight into the ground.
We can't confirm reports that employees left "in droves" during CEO Steve Ballmer's speech, as WinRumors has it, but the comments speak for themselves.
在近期的访谈中,微软的CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve a . Ballmer)表示,微软计划将手势识别技术应用到游戏之外的其他领域。
In a recent interview, Steven A. Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive, discussed the company's plans to advance the gesture technology well beyond video games.
Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive, once told a conference that Bill Gates is the most spammed man in the world, with 4m pieces of email arriving in his inbox each day, most of it junk.
为让雅虎(Yahoo)将搜索业务出售给微软(Microsoft),微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)增加了对雅虎施加的压力。
Microsoft renews Yahoo drive Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's chief executive officer, has increased the pressure on Yahoo to hand over control of its search business to his software company.
Still, Steve probably can’t hold Tim’s hand for a decade as Bill Gates did with Ballmer.
Steve Ballmer gave a live webcast today and said that Microsoft is betting its future on the cloud.
Steve Ballmer gave a live webcast today and said that Microsoft is betting its future on the cloud.