• 如果司法官认为情况可能会变糟,寻求警方帮助

    If the bailiff thinks that things could turn nasty he will enlist the help of the police.


  • “要不是出现了幻觉,就是我喝醉了。”司法官呜咽着说

    "I either behold a fata morgana, or I am regularly tipsy," whimpered out the Councillor.


  • 司法官大胆地宣布汉斯国王时代最高贵幸福时代

    The Councillor boldly declared the time of King Hans to be the noblest and the most happy period.


  • 这时人群散开了,司法官走了进来,神气十足地拽着波特胳膊

    The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm.


  • 司法官考虑了一下这件事,既,也不向左看,穿过东街穿过哈布罗广场。

    Reflecting on the matter, and without looking right or left, the Councillor went through East Street and across the Habro-Platz.


  • 司法官清清楚楚地看到,在面前盏提灯正亮着后面是一座很大很漂亮房子

    The Councillor saw quite distinctly before him a lantern burning, and behind this a large handsome house.


  • 第二部分广东司法官资格及其选任

    The second part introduced the qualification and appointment of the law-officers of Guangdong Province.


  • 听到下楼脚步声司法官走上,和县法官跟上

    Footsteps have been heard coming down the stairs. The sheriff enters followed by Hale and the county attorney.


  • 后侧大门打开司法官走上,身后跟着法官先生

    At the rear the outer door opens and the sheriff comes in followed by the county attorney and Mr. Hale.


  • 这种虐待中国战俘常见的,尽管司法偶尔呼吁终止酷刑

    Such abuse is common among Chinese prisoners, despite occasional calls by judicial officials to end torture.


  • 这种滥用中国犯人之间共同尽管偶尔呼吁司法结束折磨

    Such abuse is common among Chinese prisoners, despite occasional calls by judicial officials to end torture.


  • 法官:(彼得斯司法官持续中断谈话)没有外人进入迹象

    County attorney: (to Sheriff Peters, continuing an interrupted conversation.) No sign at all of anyone having come from the outside.


  • 如果一项公诉成立,陪审团要开庭的时候汇报法官司法官那里

    If an indictment is found, the grand jury will report it to the judge or a magistrate in open court.


  • 但是联邦司法真正变化大量激增商业企业而非他们指导原则

    Butfederal justice officials say the real change is the proliferation of large, commercial enterprises, not their guidelines.


  • 引起司法官规则的大范围争议相比云计算上演旷野西部风险

    The danger is less that the cloud will be a Wild West than that it will be peopled by too many sheriffs scrapping over the rules.


  • 中国古代司法官责任规定法律化、制度化,国家管理走向成熟的标志

    First of all, the system of liability of law-officer of ancient China is one of the symbols of the maturity of the administration of country.


  • 为此司法官下了一道禁令,禁令上写着他们不能演奏音乐否则进监狱

    The sheriff issued a ban. It said that they were not allowed to play music anymore, otherwise they'd be kept behind bars.


  • 司法官应该德才兼备,清正廉洁,勤于职责合格的法官具备基本素质

    The judge should have both ability and moral integrity, honest and upright, hard in duty, which were the basic qualities a judge should have.


  • 尔夫人:职责并不反对,猜想来生炉火助理司法官可能已经让它变得更脏了。

    Mrs. Hale : Duty’s all right , but I guess that deputy sheriff that came out to make fire might have a little of this on .


  • 骑马的人沿着四面八方的去追捕,镇上的司法官深信”:天黑之前逮到他。

    Horsemen had departed down all the roads in every direction, and the Sheriff "was confident" that he would be captured before night.


  • 唐律》是我国古代影响很大一部法律其中司法审判活动作若干规定

    The laws of the Tang Dynasty have great influence in ancient china and there are many regulations about offense the adjudication act of the judicial personnel in them.


  • 收集辨别物证过程中,司法员遵循抓住本质、深入细致准确及时的原则。

    Abidying by the essence, the judicial department collected and recognized the material evidences very carefully, accurately and punctually.


  • 法国以为司法员近日表示一位女士因为涉嫌亲吻油画作品并且唇膏污染画布被捕

    According to French judicial officials, a woman has been arrested on suspicion of kissing a painting and smudging the canvas with her lipstick.


  • 本文通过择其中涉及典型案件进行集中分析试图勾勒当时司法整体司法观念

    The article analyzes the typical cases in it that involve "li" and try to delineate whole judicial ideas of the judicial officialdom at that time.


  • 司法官彼得斯夫人什么事情可以,一些衣服知道还有些小玩意儿

    Sheriff: I suppose anything Mrs. Peters does' ll be all right. She was to take in some clothes for her, you know, and a few little things.


  • 法官职权可能跟诉讼者,辩护者,跟自己下属的司法,跟自己上面君主国家发生关系。

    The office of judges may have reference unto the parties that use, unto the advocates that plead, unto the clerks and ministers of justice underneath them, and to the sovereign or state above them.


  • 贡金和富有者担任执政官司法官承担费用外,元老们还要交纳一种硬币支付特别财产税

    Besides the aurum oblaticium, and the obligation of the wealthier of their class to fill the office of consul or of praetor, they were liable to a special property tax paid in specie.


  • 如果司法官在办案过程非法刑讯规定时间内结案、错误判决等违反法律规定的情况相应的法律责任。

    If the judge illegally interrogated prisoner by torture, finished the case not within the specified time, wrongly decided a case, he must take corresponding legal-responsibility.


  • 控制司法官一样(他说道,比如英国货币欧元的问题彻底妥协于布朗先生),布莱尔觉得对抗乔治·布什几乎可能的。

    Just as he could not control his chancellor (he was, for instance, totally “boxed in” by Mr Brown on sterling and the euro), he found it next to impossible to stand up to George Bush.


  • 控制司法官一样(他说道,比如英国货币欧元的问题彻底妥协于布朗先生),布莱尔觉得对抗乔治·布什几乎可能的。

    Just as he could not control his chancellor (he was, for instance, totally “boxed in” by Mr Brown on sterling and the euro), he found it next to impossible to stand up to George Bush.


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