Article 20 the term of a Labour contract shall be divided into fixed term, flexible term or taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term.
Article 18 the employer and its foreign employee should, in accordance with law, conclude a Labour contract, the term of which shall not exceed five years.
Negotiate the terms of a contract with a sales representative. Discuss the discount, terms of payment and warranty covering the products. Outline how any contract disputes will be settled.
Who wants to hear about contracts and deadlines that are purely academic?
Employers and workers may conclude labor contracts with a period to complete the prescribed work upon unanimity through consultation.
Under the terms of this 12-month contract, Protonex will adapt its existing propane-fueled SOFC systems to operate on liquid fuels, such as butanol, gasoline, kerosene, and desulfurized JP-8.
租车合同和租房一样:需要一个固定期限- - -典型的是两到三年。
As with an apartment rental contract, car leasing will have a fixed period — typically two or three years.
The three-year contract calls for BAE Systems to develop a low-cost receiver prototype that detects when satellites are targeted by radar.
As a result, companies are hesitant to add employees to their payrolls and can't hire short-term contract workers for more than a short fixed period.
Where the term of a labor contract is above one year but less than three years, the probation period thereof shall be less than two months.
The period of effectiveness an authorizing contract may not exceed 10 years.
One resulting scandal, involving agents in a Bofors howitzer gun contract, dragged on for almost the duration of the ban; it was ended earlier this year.
These topics focus on getting to know the business and their needs, rather than contractual issues like payment and deadlines.
Publishers in negotiations with Amazon, or whoever, say they want two-year contracts because there's such flux, but at the same time are asking authors for the duration of copyright.
Sea Org initiates-some of whom are children-sign contracts for up to a billion years of service.
Public insurers can also typically write longer contracts than their private counterparts dare to offer.
For example, when banks lend moneyto the firm, they insist on a formal contract stating the rate of interest andrepayment dates, perhaps placing restrictions on dividends or additionalborrowing.
An O2 spokesman wouldn't confirm any more details about the contracts, such as their duration.
The book publisher shall publish the work according to the quality requirements and within the time limit specified in the contract.
No probation period may be stipulated in a labor contract with a period to complete the prescribed work or a labor contract with a fixed period of less than three months.
The labor law makes the use of written contracts mandatory and encourages open-ended contracts to protect the rights of workers.
I can sort of understand their reservations over higher royalties at the moment, but nevertheless a contract that lasts for the duration of copyright is a hugely long time.
If only the probation period is stipulated in a labor contract, it shall be untenable and the said period shall be the term of the labor contract.
If only the probation period is stipulated in a labor contract, it shall be untenable and the said period shall be the term of the labor contract.