• 改进了吉他英雄摇杆演奏兼容性

    Improves compatibility of Joystick mode recorded track performance.


  • !《吉他英雄》的“专家”下打败你简直不可能

    I don't like you anymore, Mr Morello: winning boss battles in Guitar Hero III on expert was nearly impossible.


  • 风靡全球电子游戏"吉他英雄"让虚拟夸张的空气吉他音乐沾上了点边。

    GUITAR HERO”, a hugely popular video game, has done wonders to transform the flamboyant strumming of closet air guitarists into at least some approximation of music.


  • 吉他英雄》的玩家不得不再这个有着七拼八凑歌单的游戏更多冤枉钱。

    Guitar Hero players end up paying more for segregated song lists.


  • 如果正在寻找一个免费吉他英雄克隆消防品数可适应法案

    If you are looking for a free Guitar Hero clone, Frets on Fire may fit the bill.


  • 吉他英雄流行视频游戏想法来自实验室关于音乐游戏控制器的创意。

    Giuta Hero: the popular video game is based on an idea for a musical instrument game controller that came from the Lab. Lab.


  • 全国曲棍球联合会9号、吉他英雄3摇滚乐队 、马里奥赛,这些知道

    NHL 09, Guitar Hero 3, Rockband, Mario Kart, you know.


  • 风靡全球电子游戏吉他英雄”让虚拟夸张空气吉他音乐沾上了点边。

    "Guitar HERO", a hugely popular video game, has done wonders to transform the flamboyant strumming of closet air guitarists into at least some approximation of music.


  • 一个有趣吉他英雄风格游戏测试技能,弹吉他按照音乐节奏

    A fun guitar hero style game will test your skills to play the guitar and follow the rhythm of the music.


  • 看到了吉他英雄使这些发言,我我会作为扩音系统一部分,他们

    The other day I saw these speakers made for guitar hero and thought I'd give them a try as part of a small pa system.


  • 找到了一个问题,目前吉他英雄摇杆模式MIDI录音回放时候可能有些和弦出来。

    Addresses Joystick mode MIDI record playback issue of not playing some chords after the rewind.


  • 明显地,谈到利用暴风雪技术来向亚洲市场推行吉他英雄在线前景十分兴奋

    He is clearly excited at the prospect of using Blizzard's expertise to launch an online version of "Guitar Hero" for Asian markets.


  • 研究者这种技术找出一些应用方式,例如让MP3播放器更换音乐,或者是不用手柄吉他英雄这样游戏

    The researchers see a number of applications for the technology, from changing songs on MP3 players while occupied with tasks like jogging to playing video games like Guitar Hero without a controller.


  • 有了肌肉控制电脑界面,玩“空气吉他英雄”再也不需要鼠标游戏手柄这样外设了,只要你摆出姿势玩游戏。

    Air Guitar Hero Muscle-based interfaces could eliminate a lot of the peripherals we use to control computers, like mice and video game controllers, instead taking commands from our gestures.


  • 其中最明显例子就是:《吉他英雄:流行精选》,一张价值60美元合集,收录的全是前作曲目,却前作不能兼容。

    Prime example: Guitar Hero Smash Hits, a $60 collection of previously released Guitar Hero songs that won’t work with older versions of the game.


  • 我们邀请办公室给了扩音器吉他并带来了一个摄影师让她在30内分享了一个关于问题吉他英雄故事

    We invited her into the office, gave her an amp and an electric guitar, brought in videographer and had her do this thing called 30 second shred as part of the issue's guitar Hero story.


  • 吉他英雄》系列游戏是近几年流行电脑游戏之一,游戏玩家可以按照真实乐队乐曲逼真塑料吉他乐鼓上“演奏”名曲。

    Guitar Hero has been one of the most popular computer games in recent years, allowing people to "play" songs on realistic-looking plastic guitars and drum kits in time to music tracks from real bands.


  • 这个到家吉他英雄蛋糕Flickr用户layersoflove烤制的。 举起拳头用米的,蛋糕其他部分巧克力

    This cool Guitar Hero cake was made by Flickr user layersoflove, and the fist of rock was made from rice krispies while the rest of the cake is chocolate.


  • 年前威望迪视频游戏单位(拥有畅销游戏“魔兽世界”)美国动视(拥有畅销游戏“吉他英雄”)合并组成世界最大视频游戏公司-动视暴雪

    Two years ago its video-game unit, which owns "world of Warcraft", merged with America's Activision, the maker of "Guitar Hero", to form Activision Blizzard, the world's biggest video-game company.


  • 年前威望迪视频游戏单位拥有畅销游戏“魔兽世界”)美国动视(拥有畅销游戏“吉他英雄”)合并组成世界最大视频游戏公司-动视暴雪

    Two years ago its video-game unit, which ownsWorld of Warcraft”, merged with America's Activision, the maker of “Guitar Hero”, to form Activision Blizzard, the world's biggest video-game company.


  • 迄今为止,1000个以上应用程序上传到了Android市场包括ShopSawy会对条形码然后比较价格),我们自己的Latitude以及吉他英雄世界巡回演唱会

    To date, more than 1000 apps have been uploaded to the Android Market including Shop Savvy (which reads bar codes and then compares prices), our own Latitude, and Guitar Hero World Tour.


  • 4月,“MotleyCrue(克鲁小丑乐队 )”通过摇滚乐队”游戏发布了一首新的单曲,9月,“Metallica”的专辑DeathMagnetic(致命吸引力)》发行日当天就开始提供在“吉他英雄”上下载

    Motley Crue released a new single viaRock Band” in April, and in September Metallica’s new albumDeath Magnetic” was made available as a download for “Guitar Hero” on the day of its release.


  • 迎接我们到来一连串灰色街区,墙上人民英雄壁画正在退色但是这些英雄手中拿的是吉他而不是镰刀

    A stream of grey housing blocks greets our arrival, decorated with fading murals championing people's heroes. But these heroes hoist guitars, not sickles.


  • 迎接我们到来一连串灰色街区,墙上人民英雄壁画正在退色但是这些英雄手中拿的是吉他而不是镰刀

    A stream of grey housing blocks greets our arrival, decorated with fading murals championing people's heroes. But these heroes hoist guitars, not sickles.


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